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Meanwhile, at the Wales base, Illustrious and Cleveland talk about the current situation, in which the door opens quickly and London enters very worried.

London: The sirens are attacking us!

Wales: (shock) Are the sirens attacking us?  Intercept them immediately!  This is not a simulacrum!

The girls run out to alert the other girls, Cleveland runs to the window and she sees how the enemy planes bomb the beach and port of the base, then she runs out to help defend the base, Wales and Illustrious are very surprised by the fact.

Wales: Are the sirens attacking us now?  The time of coincidences is too terrible.

Illustrious: Impossible...

Cleveland runs along the beach and in that several planes attack her firing their cannons, but they miss, she continues running to the port to get into action.

Cleveland: Cleveland Knights of the Seas...

In that the Cleveland ship shines with great intensity...

Cleveland: (jumping out of the harbor) In combat!

In that, Cleveland's ship is fragmented into hundreds of mental cubes and then transformed into Cleveland's gear equipping her for combat, then she shoots the plane that wants to attack her, managing to shoot down the enemy plane and then Cleveland lands in the sea to continue sailing while continuing to shoot her cannons, shooting down enemy planes.

Cleveland: What do you think of the ultimate weapon to fight the siren!?

A siren plane fires her missiles at Cleveland, but she manages to evade the attack and she shoots down the enemy plane.

Cleveland: That's us, with the power of ships embedded in our bodies!

After saying these words, the other girls join the defense of the base.

Cleveland: It's the power to defeat them!

Me: Girls don't hog all the fun.

Javelin: That rookie...

Me: Quiet!  I want to have fun!

The girls continued shooting at the enemy, shooting down several planes and some enemy cruisers, then we have a small scene starring Javelin and Laffey shooting down enemy planes in the style of the mobile game.

Javelin: (Celebrating) Yatta!

Laffey: Wow.

Cleveland smiles as she sees the enemy withdraw after some planes were shot down and the cruisers sunk.

Me: I think we already have it...

Cleveland: Yes, I think that all the enemy planes have already been shot down, but we must be prepared for a second wave.

Me: hmm.

In that Strella is somewhat cold when she sees that out of nowhere several enemy ships appear on the radar as if by magic.

Cleveland: What's up?  Why have you turned pale?

Me: Enemy ships discovered!  There are 20 enemy ships!  Two aircraft carriers!  And the rest are capital ships!

Cleveland: What did you say?

At that the whole place begins to be covered with cherry blossom petals.

Akagi: Yes, we were created by humanity to fight the siren... but a difference in belief split the four major factions into two...

Kaga: One faction is limited to only using the powers granted by humanity: Union and Royal...

Akagi: And the other faction...

In that the prow of two aircraft carriers of the Sakura empire is shown bare.

Cleveland: (shock) Those emblems!  They are from the Sakura empire!

Me: (Damn it, it's just as I expected, history repeats itself, damn it, don't they get tired of screwing up?)

Norfolk: What are they doing here?

Akagi: It's the faction that uses siren technology to defeat sirens, that's us: Iron Blood and Sakura Empire.

Behind them are the planes ready to take off and after saying this speech, the first division planes started to take off.

Akagi: First division of the Sakura empire, Akagi.

Kaga: First division of the Sakura empire, Kaga.

Akagi/Kaga: behold and tremble!

The girls started shooting at the imperial planes that were flying towards the base to bombard them, the girls were doing their best but the sheer power of the two aircraft carriers is too much for them, not only that, but they were also constantly harassed by the firing of the mass-produced siren battleships, there are no aircraft carriers from Azur Lane available at the moment so it remains to hold on until reinforcements arrive, Wales had already sent out an SOS, but the fleet that was in naval exercises vouchers will not arrive on time.

the situation gets out of control, Unicorn joins the defense a little late, but it's better than nothing.


Unicorn's planes shot down Kaga's planes, Unicorn and Kaga's planes dueled in a very close Dogfight.

Cleveland: Interceptors?

Unicorn: Don't bully my friends!

In that Yuu-chan shines and turns into a real unicorn and HMS Unicorn rides Yuu-chan, then Unicorn deploys more planes and shoots down more planes, this fact doesn't go unnoticed by Kaga.

Kaga: That girl is an aircraft carrier, with that scrawny body she's not much of a meal, but prey is prey.

Kaga invokes her mask and then Kaga's aircraft carrier transforms into a giant 9-tailed fox and this surprises many of the girls, the aircraft carrier fox deploys more planes to hunt Unicorn, she, seeing herself in danger, flees while deploying more planes to defend herself, Javelin tries to defend Unicorn, but in that she is pushed by Laffey which Laffey receives enemy torpedoes from Javelin, Javelin worries a lot about Laffey, but Laffey lies saying that she is fine.

In that Javelin is surprised to see Ayanami in front of her.

Javelin: You are...!

Ayanami: Destroyer of the Sakura empire, My name is Ayanami retrofit, destroyer of the Ayanami class.

Ayanami attacks Javelin and Javelin parries Ayanami's attack with her spear and then they start a hand-to-hand fight.

Meanwhile Unicorn tries to get rid of her pursuers who are looking to take her down, so Unicorn deploys planes to protect her, but they are easily shot down by Fox's AA fire.

TO BE CONTINUE....................................

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