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Meanwhile, the rescue fleet mobilizes to enter the ruined city, they wear a navy blue cape to camouflage themselves from the enemy.

Belfast: It's already started.

Cleveland: We need to hurry too!

Then when they enter the city they take off their capes.

Me: [Be careful at the next corner I see the presence of two heavy cruisers of the empire, turn around and try to enter two avenues below.]

Belfast: [Understood]

The fleet does a 180° turn, then takes a detour two blocks down and tries to get in that way.

Me: [Then to the next corner go as fast as you can]

The kansen accelerate to the maximum and pass at full speed.

Me: [You're lucky, the enemy hasn't noticed your presence yet]

Belfast: [Thank you very much, we are counting on you and aerial reconnaissance]

Me: Ok, I will also give artillery support to the allied fleet, so go easy.

Meanwhile with the empire fleet, they were still shooting when an F-35 surprises everyone.

Fusou: What the hell is that thing?

Ise: A siren fighter?

Kako: They're wrong! It's an Eagle Union plane!

In that the F-35 opens the doors of its belly and releases several guided bombs against the siren ships of mass production.


Various explosions reverberate through the enemy fleet, the 1000 pound bombs were too powerful and destroyed the enemy armored ships.

NT: 1000 Pounds is not an error, that's what it says in the game, so I'm respecting the parameters that the WG game says (Warship Gunner)

Fusou: Damn, I didn't expect that a single plane could wipe out our fleet, Eagle Union is getting very powerful in a very short time.

Yamashiro: Don't underestimate your industry, after all it is a very big country.


In that, many plane noises are nearby, they looked at the sky, they froze when they saw 10 B-25s flying towards them, they were all shocked to see these planes flying in this area since there is no Eagle Union base here near.

Fusou: What the hell!?

Kako: Aren't those planes from the Eagle Union army?

Hornet: (Hee hee) Special maneuver, Doolittle Strike.

The bombers dropped their bombs on the empire fleet, the imperial girls tried their best to avoid the damage, but it was already useless, the bombers easily flew over a surprised enemy fleet and dropped the bombs.


All ships were covered in explosions disabling several Imperial ships.

Fusou: Tch, they have us.

Kako: It's serious! 10 of our mass production ships have been sunk, 15 ships are on fire and inoperable! We are losing advantage of the enemy!

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