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The Azur Lane fleet rigidly advances towards the combat to intercept the Orochi fleet and stop it before it fires its nuclear missiles against the base in Pearl Harbor, the mission is to prevent the enemy from getting closer than 1000 km from the base, if the enemy came within that distance, it was possible that the base would be bombed at that distance and Strella is scared as hypersonic missiles have a much lower than 20% interception rate using the anti-aircraft missiles she has in her arsenal.

With great uncertainty and great tension, the fleet continued its course without wavering, The main fleet of Azur Lane that will directly fight Orochi sails elegantly towards the battle, the fleet is led by Wales, the second in command is Enterprise, and Belfast is like battle secretary.

Belfast's role is to report the status of the fleet to Enterprise and Wales.

Belfast: Are you worried about the enemy?

Me: More or less, we don't know anything about Orochi, capabilities and size exceed more than 700 meters long and 70 meters wide, undoubtedly a sea monster.

Belfast: So a ship as powerful as you is afraid.

Me: Who wouldn't? Have you seen Wales? She's practically scared to the bone, if the mission fails we'll just have to trust that Red Axis will side with us and we'll also depend on whether the queen can make some master moves.

Wales: [What do your plane reports say?]

Me: [My planes have detected some siren contacts ahead, heading 1-8-9, speed 35 knots, distance 800 km west of here]

Wales: [Is the empire facing the enemy?]

Me: [No, the empire is about to engage the enemy. Estimated time 45 to 120 minutes.]

Wales: [Understood]

Me: Do you see what I'm saying? She has been calling me every 10 minutes asking the same question.

Belfast: Well, you're right.

Me: I hope, if the enemy fires their weapons, I hope my Terrier and SM-1 missiles can do something.

Belfast: Didn't you say you had better missiles than that?

Me: Like you said, I had...

Belfast: What happened to them?

Me: I spent them in previous wars and I couldn't buy more since I spent my budget designing planes for the remodeled aircraft carriers, remodeling the aircraft carriers and designing my energy sword and Lobo, I don't have any more budget .

Belfast: Can't you just dismantle and use to acquire those missiles?

Me: I can't, once it's put into service there's no going back, I can't dismantle, there's no such option, you tell me.

Belfast: Your ability is a nuisance when there are emergency situations.

Me: I'm sorry.

Several minutes later, on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, Ayanami chats with Javelin and her friends.

Javelin: Everything is fine.

Laffey: Let's save your friends from the empire.

Unicorn: Unicorn will also try hard just like Yuu-chan.

Ayanami feels a little comforted by the support of her new friends, meanwhile Illustrious watches Unicorn's situation from afar, she is proud of Unicorn because she has matured a lot since the start of the war.

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