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After reporting the report to Wales, now I can enjoy a hot bath, now that I think about it it's too late to go to the public baths, I think the Royal Navy had built a hot spring on the base, it's more than nine o'clock at night, I don't think anyone is there anymore, I also think it's time to experience a thermal bath, in my past life I had never visited the thermal waters so, since I have the opportunity to do so, I think it's time to go.

I enter the thermal baths and I see that the dressing rooms are empty, I think it's lucky that there is no one, I would surely get a nosebleed if I saw a naked woman here, I go to one of the empty lockers and start to undress, I leave my clothes together with my pajamas inside the locker and then I enter the thermal baths, when I enter I can see that I have the bathroom just for me, it is a very large and quite luxurious place, it was like being in the baths of a King, I was moved by so much luxury for a military base.

Without more to say, first you have to take a shower, so first I take a bath before entering the thermal baths, so I start to shower.

Enterprise: Wow, looks like you took your time coming here.

That's when my heart stopped, or rather, my heart almost stopped, I didn't expect Enterprise to be here, fortunately I didn't scream, because for my mouth to go "Kya" would be a great blow to my extinct masculinity .

Me: (Pretending to be calm) That was obvious, I was working preparing reports and talking with Miss Wales about my capabilities, after all I got really wild when I fought against the first aircraft carrier division. If I was idle and doing nothing, I would have been here a long time ago.

Enterprise: Yes, you have a pretty nice body and you have pretty big tits.

Me: That should be obvious, despite being a light cruiser, my displacement is comparable to a Batlecruiser, according to the displacement it should be the size of your breasts.

Enterprise: Hmmm, so you think so? Belfast has breasts that would rival mine.

Me: huh? Wait, why are we talking about women's breast measurements?

Enterprise: I don't know.

Me: (Curiosity) What sizes is Belfast?

Enterprise: I would say D or E size.

Me: Hmm, I understand...

Enterprise: What are your measurements?

Me: Hmmmm, I have no idea and I'm not curious about it.

Enterprise: Moving on, I've heard you're quite a unique ship.

Me: unique? What are you talking about?

Enterprise: I have seen your ship, at first glance it seems that you do not have many weapons in sight, but the 20mm Gatling guns that you have on both flanks of your ship I know that it is not for decoration, are they anti-aircraft weapons?

Me: The answer is yes and at the same time no.

Enterprise: (hesitates) Yes and no?

Me: Yes, according to my few memories that I have of my world, anti-aircraft weapons began to quickly become obsolete due to the existence of the empire, the empire was a hegemonic country that was said to be 100 or 200 years ahead technologically speaking than everything the world, they had weapons capable of flying at mach 10, weapons of mass destruction capable of destroying entire fleets with a single shot, trains capable of destroying entire countries, I know it sounds like a science fiction story, but it is reality.

Enterprise: An absurdly powerful country? How they finish!

Me: The empire was stupid and they didn't know how to properly use their advantages and they ended up losing against the world coalition, in the end they canceled me since I was no longer needed and the empire was dismantled so smaller ships and more would be required cheap to use.

Enterprise: But having big guns shouldn't be the right thing to do, I don't understand why your country wouldn't want to have a cruiser like you.

Me: Because it was not necessary as I told you, cannons quickly became obsolete since there were weapons capable of flying hundreds of kilometers with an accuracy of 90% and thanks to these weapons, now a destroyer now had the power of a battleship , so, which one is cheaper to operate? A destroyer with the power of a battleship or maintain a battleship with the power of a battleship? The destroyer is the obvious choice, the missiles are armed and ready to go, the delay is a few seconds while a 40 cm gun takes more than 40 seconds to reload, right?

Enterprise was silent because she knew that my reasoning is correct.

Me: Enterprise, one day the big battleships and cruisers will be obsolete, but obviously the battleships will be the first to go, then it will be me, the cruisers.

Enterprise: What do you think about aircraft carriers? Will we ever be obsolete?

Me: That's impossible, aircraft carriers are and always will be a symbol of power, diplomacy and a symbol of peace. You may believe that the aircraft carriers will be unstoppable and indestructible, at the moment the aircraft carriers are vulnerable to attack, but surely the time will come when technology advances that the aircraft carriers will become untouchable.

Enterprise: (sigh) In that case I'm reassured, but that shouldn't mean you should be worried, after all you and your race will be extinct.

Me: Giggles, you should worry about Arizona, North Carolina, Dakota and the rest of the battleships, they may start to be decommissioned in the mid 60's, (cocky tone) me and my people still have decades of brilliance.

Enterprise: Whoa...

That's when I hear Enterprise get up and start walking to leave.

Me: Are you leaving?

Enterprise: Yes, it was nice talking to you.

Me: I'll stay a while... Hey! oh! What are you doing!?

In that Enterprise hugs me from behind and starts touching my breasts.

Enterprise: Hmmm, a D cup, that's a pretty average size.

Me: (Complaints) Hey let me go! It feels weird, let me go. You are using a lot of force! It hurts, let go of my tits.

Enterprise: But it feels very addictive to the touch.

Me: Ohhhh, so with those we have. For the record, I warned you, if it's not for good, it will be for bad.

I quickly grab Enterprise and pin her against the wall, she was surprised because she didn't expect her to counterattack, don't worry, I pinned her as delicately as possible so as not to hurt her, she squealed in surprise and it was time for revenge.

Me: You know, it feels weird when you touch my tits, but now I think it's time to pay you back in kind.

In that Enterprise looks at me and her face is pale, I don't know what expression I'm making, but I'm going to enjoy it like you can't imagine and I took my revenge.


[The joke comes because this story was written in November of last year.]

Then we can see Enterprise who is on the ground curling up as she cries.

Enterprise: I can't get married anymore...

Me: That was your fault, I kindly asked you to let me go and you didn't listen to me, you deserve it, don't think for a minute that because you are my superior you can take advantage of me. If you hurt me for no apparent reason, I'll hit you back. Was it clear to you?

Enterprise: Yeah...

TO BE CONTINUE.................

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