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Overnight we were deployed to combat.

Me: I need context!

What happens is that one morning like any other we were woken up by the sound of the emergency alarm and we all went to the emergency room dressed in our pajamas and Wales informs us that the Sakura empire fleet is 700 km west of Midway.

Me what!? In that way!?

And what do I know, the thing is that the empire was able to outwit the patrols of the main fleet and they won't arrive in time to repel the attack, so for some strange reason we have to go and repel the attack.

Present, now we are sailing at high speed while trying to reach the interception point on time, unfortunately the modifications of the aircraft carriers with the ability to take off JET planes are not finished so they will not participate in this combat.


The fleet sails at high speeds, the fleet is made up of the Royal Navy and Eagle Union.

QE: (Voice of pride) This is the fleet that everyone has been waiting for!

Wales: It's not just ours, the majesty of him. It is a combined fleet between our fleet and that of Eagle Union.

Hood: That's right, that's an amazing sight.

Warspite: Yes, of course, this is going to be and it is going to be the decisive battle.

Meanwhile with the Eagle Union fleet, Cleveland talks with her sisters.

Montpelier: You can count on us, the sea knights are the best.

Denver: We can't let you down, sister.

Columbia: Can we relax a little? We could hurt ourselves if we are nervous.

Cleveland: Yes, they are all my precious little sisters, don't push your luck.

Cleveland-class: Ok!

Meanwhile Hornet is motivated to fight without holding anything back.

Hornet: There are no ways to avoid this conflict, it's time to duel...


The Sakura empire thanks to the power of the sirens (and the passing script) they had managed to outwit all the Eagle Union patrols, the fleet is led by Akagi, followed by Kaga and the rest of the ships, all are in diamond formation.

Meanwhile some girls are wondering about this mission.

Atago: What's up Takao?

Takao: Are we really ready for this? Such an important battle without completing the Orochi project. What is Akagi thinking?

Atago: We couldn't get the black mental cube back, maybe they're nervous.

Meanwhile Zuikaku looks towards Akagi's aircraft carrier while she is very thoughtful.

Shokaku: I don't know what Akagi-sempai is up to, but don't worry, your sister will always protect you.

Zuikaku answers somewhat doubtful and worried.

Zuikaku: Yes, and I'll watch your back, Shokaku-nee.

Meanwhile the luckiest destroyers in the empire are very happy because they are deployed for a real combat mission.

Azur Lane: The Cruiser That Doesn't Exist Where stories live. Discover now