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Today I wake up early in the morning, after having breakfast and cleaning myself, I am preparing to draw ship plans, Wales had commissioned me to make ship plans, so I started to draw several ship plans, to start with, I will make a destroyer, I think it will be easy, then I will increase the difficulty and then I will decide how bad it was for me.


At noon Javelin and Laffey talk while having lunch near a cliff, Laffey eats without a problem, but Javelin is very depressed.

Javelin: I wonder if she's alright...

Laffey: Oh, that girl, I think her name is Ayanami...

Javelin: Ayanami... right. Do we really have to fight against it?


In that they hear the cry of an eagle, they see the eagle from Enterprise flying and then it lands in the branches of a dead tree.

Laffey: Is it a bird?

In that Enterprise appears patrolling and she sees Javelin and Laffey, so Enterprise approaches them.

Javelin: Enterprise-san!

Now that Enterprise is with them, Javelin even though she wants to talk to her, she can't. The appearance of an aircraft carrier is very intimidating, most of the destroyers think the same, there are very few carrier-class kansen that are friendly and They don't have that aura of intimidation.

Javelin: Enterprise, would you like some?

Enterprise: No, but I appreciate the intent, I'm working.

Laffey: Enterprise, are you alright? Aren't you hurt?

Enterprise: Yes, remember that I didn't participate in the defense, but shouldn't you be worried about your friend?

Laffey: Yeah, but we know she's fine, she has no visible damage on the outside so she must be fine.

Javelin: By the way, Enterprise, why did you stay late at the hot springs?

In that Enterprise blushes a little remembering Strella's revenge.

Enterprise: It's not for nothing, I was just waiting for a friend to talk.

Javelin: I see, surely they talked about some interesting things.

Enterprise: Ah... something like that.

far away from the Azur Lane base there is an Eagle Union fleet sailing in this place, they are the Eagle Union reinforcement fleet assigned to the new Azur Lane base, from the Hamman formation she breaks the formation and she sails in a very advanced position.

Northampton: Hamman, calm down!

Hamman: This is not the time to calm down! The Hamman base is in danger!

Helena: Um, as I said before, the base reported that the enemies have already been repelled.

Haman: Quick!

Hamman accelerates and that causes a jet of water to be generated that drenches the girls who were sailing behind Hamman.

Northampton: How energetic she is, she's been like this since yesterday.

LI: This ghost is very tired... I can't take it anymore...

They all ignore Long Island.

Arizona: It seems that Enterprise was completely overshadowed by a new cruiser that was able to repel the enemy attack on its own.

Hornet: (Shock) Really? My sister was late... for sure she was hit morally for not going wild and not being the protagonist, HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Hamman: What's with all that lazy talk? The enemy can attack us at any time!

Hornet: Well, Hamman's right, we'd better hurry.

The Hornet fleet rushes in, but in that Helena's radar picks up something.

Helen: Girls!

In that the fleet stops and they look at the horizon and they get an unpleasant surprise.

Hornet: Agh, looks like we weren't fast enough.

In front of them two aircraft carriers from the Sakura empire sail and head towards the position of Hornet's fleet, Hornet orders Helena to send an SOS.

Meanwhile with the 5th division fleet, Akagi had loaned some mass production ships to the 5th division, meanwhile Shokaku regrets the mission entrusted by Akagi.

Shokaku: Oh, poor me, intimidated by my cruel sempai... Don't you think so, Zuikaku?

Zuikaku: Come on sister, can't you take this very seriously? This is our golden opportunity to show our seniors how strong we are.

Shokaku: Oh Zuikaku, you are such a direct girl, don't worry my dear little sister, the older sister has your back.

Zuikaku: (Excited) You're right! As long as you're here I have nothing to fear!

At that Zuikaku's ship is engulfed in a swirl of crimson flames as she summons her rig.

TO BE CONTINUE.....................................

Azur Lane: The Cruiser That Doesn't Exist Where stories live. Discover now