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Meanwhile Strella is watching Ayanami from the shadow, in which she immobilizes Ark Royal who was harassing her behind a tree.

Me: (Disgust) Don't suck, you again?

Ark: It's not a crime if there's no evidence.

Me: (Fury) You have had enough of me, damn lolicon, it's the fourteenth time I've caught you harassing the Japanese girl, I'm going to put a torpedo through your private parts to correct your rotten attitude.

Ark: You don't understand anything.

Me: I already eat shit.

Strella punches her and knocks her out, then ties her upside down to a tree branch and then puts her in a sack to make it appear to be a punching bag.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the destroyer girls, they happily walk around the base academy.

Javelin: First we have to go buy the things you'll need.

Ayanami: Huh?

Javelin: You'll be living here for a while, so you'll need things.

Laffey: The store we're going to has a lot of cool stuff.

Javelin: Yes! Come on!

Ayanami looks around her and she sees how the girls of Azur Lane spend her free time and Ayanami feels nostalgic seeing that the environment here and the empire is the same.

In that a baseball hits Ayanami's foot, she picks it up and in that the Bogue aircraft carrier yells for Ayanami to look at her, when she looks she can see that Bogue is waving her hands for her to pass the ball, Ayanami throws the ball and when Bogue receives the ball, she is amazed at Ayanami's strength and all the girls praise her for her potential as a baseball player.

Javelin and Laffey also applaud for Ayanami's show of strength, Ayanami feels a little embarrassed by so many compliments she has received in so few seconds.

¿???: You must be the destroyer Ayanami.

At that the solemn voice of a girl, she turns and sees a group of Ausburne class destroyers.

Aulick: (Excited) A new girl!

Thatcher: (excited) Yes! She has to be the leader in her class! She is a destroyer of the Sakura empire!

Spence: (She freaks out at what she hears) The Sakura Empire!?

Ausburne: I heard the stories... I heard that you fought to protect your friends from the empire.

Ayanami gets defensive thinking that trouble was coming.

Ausburne: Putting yourself in danger to save a friend... That's justice!

Ayanami: Huh!? (What was that?)

Ayanami didn't expect that kind of response, she expected Ausburne and her sisters to tease her, but she didn't expect a compliment from her.

Ausburne: Laffey, Javelin, you two did well out there are allies of justice too, if you need help we little beavers will be there for you.

Ayanami: (Confused) Yes, thanks for everything.

Ausburne: See you soon, Justice calls me!

Then the girls from the Ausburne class leave, Ayanami is still confused, but since she is not good at showing her feelings, no one realizes except Laffey that she did notice her.

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