« I Apologize. »

Start from the beginning

"What were you doing outside at this time of the night ? And how comes that you still have your phone with you ? " He questioned her narrowing his eyes.

"I, uh, I, uh, I was outside to, uh, fo-"

"Cut the crap. Right now. What happened, Shaylia ? And I want the truth."

She sighed defeated, "Don't get mad, okay ? " He motioned for her to tell him with his hand, "I..." She bit on her bottom lip nervously, "...I was with...Ra-"

"You two should be in bed or about to go by now. What are you doing here ? " Kim asked going down the stairs. Then, her eyes lowered to Shay's right hand, "Lil' girl, are you fu- " She took a breath to calm down, "Are you kidding me ?! Why do you have your phone with you ? "

"I needed it to ask something. Uh, it was for school."

"And you have to sneak in our room for that ? You could've asked at least. Give me that." Her daughter obeyed, "And now, you two go to sleep, you have school tomorrow."

"Okay." They said in unison.

September, 9...(Friday)

"I wish you could still come with me to Tampa. I'm going to feel so alone at this wedding."

He fanned her off, "C'mon now, you'll be with your family. You won't be alone."

"Right, this is my family, but not the members I'm the most close with. There is only my cousin, the future married woman, who I really get along with."

"Oh, damn. Are you driving until there ? "

"Yes, all by myself." She pouted causing Aug III to feel bad, just a little bit. He would've liked to go with her, but unfortunately his punishment was still up. He tried to compromise with his parents to still go to Tampa, but they weren't having that. He insisted and they still refused, they even threatened him to add a week to his punishment and at this moment he stop harassing them.

"Ms.Harris and Mr.Alsina, are you two done with the group work I JUST gave you ? " Their teacher, Mr.Barrys asked standing in front of their table.

"No, not yet, Mr.B." Auggie answered using the nick name all the students gave him. Mr.Barrys was a tall man with grey hair and in his early thirties. As a teacher he was cool enough, if you can say that. His class was never really boring and he was nice most of the time.

"Okay, then why are you not talking about the movie we just watched ? And comparing it with the book ? Why nothing is written on your paper ? " He was nice and cool, but wasn't one of these teachers who let the students walk all up on him and not follow his instructions. He didn't like the disrespect in general.

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