062. sour patch kids

Start from the beginning

"Right. Anyways... we're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her before she vanished?" Sam asks.

"Um, yeah. She left around, like, what? 9:30?" Marie asks and Maeve nods.

"Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night?" Sam asks.

"A bar? Or a liquor store? Both?" Marie shrugs.

"Wow. Really?" Sam asks.

"She had a nasty divorce last year. Most of the time, she's slipping on her, uh, grown up juice or passed out. Usually in that order." Marie says.

"Yeah, well, I don't blame her. I'm gonna need fifty yellow shots and a hose down to get this stick off of me." Dean says.

Maeve goes to attack Dean, but Marie stops her.

"Maeve, right?" Sam asks. "You're the stage manager?"

"And I understudy Jody Mills." Maeve states.

"What?" Dean asks.

"That's great. That's great. Jody Mills, that's great." Sam says. "So... how about you give me and, uh, Agent Smith--" He nods to Miranda, "--a behind the scenes tour while your director shows our partner Ms. Chandler's office? Deal?" Sam asks and the two girls nod. "Great. Give us a moment, please."

"Okay." Marie says, the two walking down the steps.

"I'm gonna throw up." Dean says, earning a dirty look from Maeve.

"I mean, I gotta say, it's kind of charming. The production value and the..." He trails off at Dean's look. "No? No, no." He shakes his head. "We're gonna check for EMF. You look for cursed objects."

~ ~ ~

"Now, have you noticed anything strange during production? I mean, any odd noises or, uh..." Sam asks.

"You mean something like this?" Maeve pushes a button and it plays a scream. "Or perhaps this?" She hits another button, a weird voice playing.

"Right. Of course." Sam says.

"How about this?" She hits another button. Serena whines, cowering into her dad's chest.

"You're scaring her." Carly frowns at the teenager.

"Why are there children with the FBI?" Maeve questions.

"Take your kids to work day." Sam quickly lies. "You know, back when I did tech in school, we had two CD decks--"

"I'm sorry, I have to go sign the delivery." Maeve says, cutting Sam off. "Please don't touch anything." Maeve leaves.

Carly goes to the empty chair and sits down, immediately playing with the sounds. Sam starts to play with the lights. Miranda smirks at the two, rolling her lips into her mouth to try not to laugh.

"Stop it!" Wyatt shoves Carly's hands off the board.

"Hey!" She shoves him back.

"Hey, hey, hey. No shoving anybody." Miranda orders.

"She making the scary noises." Wyatt whines.

"I know. But she's done now." Miranda says, giving her eldest a look, the young blonde rolling her eyes and slouching in the chair. "Behave." She warns the girl.

Sam looks out the window, seeing the two girls on stage look up at him.

"Sorry!" He calls.

~ ~ ~

Marie is leading Dean back to the auditorium.

"All right, Shakespeare. You know that I can tell you what really happened with the real Sam and Dean. A friend of mine hooked me up with the, uh, unpublished unpublished books. So, Sam came back from Hell -- but without a soul. You know about the second kid."

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