Chapter 40: Skeletons in the Closet.

Start from the beginning

An-ru nodded.

"We may not agree on certain things." Sarah admitted. "But... I suppose we'll just have to work to tolerate others, instead of forcing our ideals on each other." 

Sean agreed with that as he continued to eat his eggs. It was at that moment when Madam Kogawa had walked up to Sean. "Excuse me, Mr. Cormag?" She asked. 

"Yes, Madam Kogawa?" Sean asked standing up.

"At ease." Kogawa assured. "I wanted to speak with you specifically. About an urgent matter." 

Sean nodded maintaining a cool attitude. He wondered if Madam Kogawa knew that Sean had impersonated the Headmaster. 

"I understand that you broke the record of Imelda Reyes on two courses." Kogawa started.

"I did. Yes." Sean confirmed. 

"Yeah. You should've seen it, Madam Kogawa. He was incredible." Garreth commented.

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley." Kogawa replied before returning to Sean. "As I was saying. Is it true that you have frequented the Coast?" 

"I've been there a couple of times." Sean answered. 

"You are not the only one, it seems." Kogawa informed. "Miss. Reyes traversed into the Coastlands 2 days ago. And no one has seen her since." 

"She went alone?" Sean asked in disbelief.

"I am afraid so. She asked for more people to join her at the Coastlands for possible Quidditch Training. It appears she is the only one that went." Kogawa answered. "I fear that Girl's Ambition to be on the top has caused her some... trouble. The Goblins as well as the Ashwinders hold a stranglehold on the region and Imelda may have run into them as a result. Because you have experience dealing with such matters, I'm asking you to help me look for her." She explained.  

Sean nodded his head. This was something that he knew he had to do. If Ranrok was involved with something bad to happen to Imelda. It was something he had to stop. 

"An-ru. You should take my broom with you." Sarah had suddenly offered. "It's a Good model. And it'll serve you better than the ratty school brooms. No offense." 

"None taken." Kogawa assured.

"Come on, An-ru. Let's go." Sean said.

An-ru grabbed a fly with his tongue and swallowed it up. 

"Are you going to finish your breakfast, Sean?" Garreth asked.

"Take it." Sean answered.

"Sweet." Garreth replied eating up the rest of Sean's breakfast.

Sean had taken to the skies patrolling around the Coastlands. An-ru flying next to him. Kogawa was following close behind. "Where are you, Imelda?" Sean asked. He looked around near the shore line by the East. "Revelio." All around him, Sean could see loads of items on the ground. It appeared to him that casting Revelio revealed more around him then on the ground. But it wasn't the time to pay more attention to it. He looked more toward the shoreline. And saw something moving in the waves onto the beach. It looked like a body. He went in for a closer look. 

Sean had gotten off his broom. It was a girl who was the same age as he was. Dark Hair, Ponytail, and ripped up and wet green robes. And he had a bad feeling about who it was. 

Nevertheless. Sean turned the body around revealed the face of Imelda Reyes all battered and bruised up. He got on his wand using Contactu. "I found her!" He informed as he dragged her body more onto the sand. 

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