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❆°➳ "making up"
⤷ chapter thirty-nine


jungkook's pov:

a month has gone by and its been the worst moments of my life. taehyung and I are still not talking, little comments are made now and then when we have to organise stuff for the kids but besides that he avoids me. I sleep in the guest room as he sleeps in the lounge.

the kids are starting to notice things are wrong around home but anna has been doing an amazing job with distracting them. they love quinn, anna's puppy. he has brought so much joy over the past few weeks.

I have never felt so lonely and I know it is all my own fault. I dont deserve taehyung. I was tired and running on so many emotions, that I was hurt that he kept the news about us having another baby away from me and I lashed out.

trust and honesty are my two biggest values when it comes to a relationship, taehyung knows so. it was the wrong time to have that argument. I miss him. he is the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life.

I dont know why I even said what I said. I did not mean it. I was mad and I will regret hurting taehyung so deeply until I die.

I could hear him throwing up in the other room, just like every morning. I could hear him throwing up, groaning cause of back pain and at times I see him laying on the couch or bed with a damp flannel on his forehead. It hurts seeing him fight all this pain by himself. I was leant against the door frame of our shared bedroom. the kids were at school and I decided to take the day off of work. to keep an eye on taehyung.

I walked into the room quietly and felt my throat tightened when I saw taehyung crouched by the toilet as he throws up, his hand on his stomach as he let out a pained and tired sob. hearing taehyung breaking down broke my heart. I walked towards him, crouching behind him as I pulled him into my arms.

he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head against my chest when I pulled him into my arms. I wrapped my arms around him tight and brushed his hair as I tired to calm him down.

"you're okay, deep breaths my love" I whispered.

"s-so t-tired" he whispered, I placed the back of my palm on his forehead and sighed when I felt it was warm. parts of taehyung's clothes was drenched in sweat.

"lay down for a bit babe" I whispered after slipping my jumper off and folding it up for a pillow. he rested his head on it for a second while I ran him a bath. making sure it was warm and filled with bubbles and helped him undress and lifted him into the bath.

he immediately sighed as soon as his lower back met the warm water. the water went to his collarbone as he rested his head against the bath, his eyes closed.

I grabbed a dry flannel and ran it under the water before squeezing some of the water from it. drapping it along taehyung's face.

"I am s-sorry gguk. I dont like f-fighting, I dont want to do this a-alone, I dont want to l-lose you" taehyung whispered, his eyes still closed.

"I should be the one apologising tae. I fucked up, not you. I want us to talk about it when you're feeling a little better okay. just rest here for a little while I go make the bed and get some food on for you, okay" I whispered back, pecking his forehead when he nodded.

I spent the next ten minutes cleaning up everything, putting fresh sheets on the bed and heading downstairs afterwards. I quickly reheated some pizza and got his favourite water bottle to fill with freezing cold water, just how he likes it.

after I chucked the pizza back in the oven I quickly went back upstairs to see taehyung was trying to get out the bath.

"wait babe" I said getting his towel, my eyes landing on the large bump that has grown quite big over the past few months. I quickly helped him out and dried him off. putting on some underwear for him as well as one of my jumpers.

I helped him into bed and grabbed the remote to turn the tv on. while he was picking something to watch I quickly cleaned up the bathroom before making my way back to him. I had some moisturiser, in my hand and lifted up his jumper to rubbed it into his stomach gently. he sighed and closed his eyes as he listened to the show he was watching 'the lincoln lawyer'.

"thank you" he whispered, I pecked his forehead again before heading downstairs to grab his food and drink. when his eyes landed on me walking in with his favourite pizza and drink he smiled and immediately ate.

"no need to thank me love"

"I wish you could forgive me for what I said" I whispered, looking at taehyung who gulped the bite he took out the pizza and put the pizza back on his plate.

"It hurt what you said gguk. I do forgive you cause I know you did not mean it. I know I broke the two values you have and I am sorry. It was not my intention to hide it from you in a mean intent" taehyung said.

"from my view. if I did not know if you were pregnant I cant protect you, look after you. make sure you're eating, sleeping and drinking well. making sure your not under lots of stress, I know i did not help in that situation but lets put this all behind us. I just want you to know I never meant what I said. you're the only one I want and will ever want, I would rather be alone then go with someone else" I said, he softly smiled and squeezed my hand.

"I am glad we sorted this out. I missed you" he whispered, his sad eyes looking straight towards me as I squeezed his hand.

"I missed you too" I whispered back, brushing my nose against his before our lips connected.

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