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❆°➳ "bbq"
⤷ chapter twenty-eight


third person's pov:

music was playing on the speakers when taehyung and jungkook were cleaning the house. they had about a few minutes until people were meant to show up. by people they meant jimin, duri, yoongi and anna.

when taehyung called anna to see if she would like to come over, she immediately said yes. hearing how excited she was made taehyung feel really good. she also let taehyung know that they paid her too much money. taehyung made sure to tell her that he appreciated her cleaning up and looking after the kids.

she deserved it. he made sure to tell her so.

"why does onions make your eyes water so much" taehyung whined, cutting the onion. putting them into a bowl while jungkook got his ingredients ready for the bbq.

"I heard if you stick your tongue out while cutting them it helps your eyes not water" jungkook mentioned, running his hands under cold water before he handles the other vegetables.

"that would of been nice to be told that maybe ten minutes ago" taehyung suggested, pouting at jungkook who only laughed. he carried the vegetables back to the kitchen island before starting to cut them.

"I hope they will just walk in, I dont want to have to wash my hands to open the door" jungkook said as he started to cut the capsicum.

"I told them to just walk in when they get here" taehyung replied, moving on to cutting the bread buns. as they both hummed along to the music playing in the kitchen they both frowned when euni walked in looking like a ghost.

"eunnie?" jungkook whispered, walking up to her in concern.

"whats wrong? you look really pale" the raven asked his daughter who covered her mouth as she coughed a little.

"I dont feel well" she whispers, jungkook raised the back of his hand to her head.

"she might have a temperature. do you feel tired?" jungkook questioned his daughter who nodded.

"I will take her upstairs" jungkook said, helping his daughter back into her room. taehyung sighed, he felt bad the euni was not feeling well. he quickly texted the others who were coming to let them know that euni is not feeling well so she will be staying her room.

with covid and stuff, taehyung knows how some people dont want to be around anyone who is sick, even if it is not covid. which is understandable so he wanted to give the others the option if they still wanted to come.

"is euni not feeling well?" yeona whispered as she entered the kitchen. taehyung wiped his hands and nodded.

"yeah baby she is not, we got to let her rest as much as possible"

"we have to make sure she eats" yeona said, taehyung cooed at his daughter before he nodded.

"exactly right. we will put some food aside for her, she may not be hungry at the moment."

when jungkook came back down he quickly went through the cabinets to find medicine before heading but up to her room. when he came back he hugged taehyung from behind.

"I hate when one of our babies are sick" jungkook whispered against the brunette's neck.

"I know. I hate it as well. is she sleeping now?" taehyung questioned, drying his hands as he turned around to face jungkook.

"yeah, I told her to text us if she needs anything and we will come check on her now and then" jungkook replied back, wrapping his arms around taehyung's waist.

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