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❆°➳ "hot chocolate"
⤷ chapter twenty-three


taehyung's pov:

"the ad has been out for about an hour now and there are at least over a thousand people who have applied" jimin said, scrolling through the computer in one of the meeting rooms. yoongi was also here along with jungkook who was helping out heaps.

"are you guys sure about being here? I feel bad. I can sort this out myself" I started but was cut off soon after when jimin shook his head and spoke.

"tae, it was my fault that rai was here. his cv looked great, the least I could do is help you get someone a thousand times better" jimin said

"that wont be hard" jungkook commented, I laughed at the remark and sat back down.

"let jimin and I narrow it down to five people, the best five and we will call the references and make sure they are up to standard. you and jungkook can interview them throughout the week and decide who will best fit" yoongi suggested, I nodded in agreement. I appreciated all the help as jungkook and I left the room.

"thank you for being here" I said, linking my hands with jungkook's as we walked back to my office.

"you dont need to thank me love. I am always here for you. your safety is always a huge priority of mine". he never failed to give me butterflies, ever.

I hummed and wrapped my hand around his arm. when we entered the office our eyes landed on a women who was looking out the window across the city. jungkook immediately stood in front of me, as he spoke.

"who are you?" jungkook asked, we both watched as the women flinched a little and turned to look at us. I smiled as soon as I recognised who it was.

"gguk, its okay. she is the lady that bumped into me the other day. I see you kept your promise" I smiled, walking to my desk where a hot chocolate was sat. I hummed as soon as I took a sip.

"I felt really bad so I also got you a blueberry muffin" she says directing her finger towards the package muffin next to my computer.

"aw that is so sweet, thank you very much-" I said, pausing when I realised I dont know her name.

"its anna, mr kim" she said bowing.

"is this your bodyguard?" she questioned, pointing to jungkook who looked offended.

I could not help but to laugh and shook my head.

"no, he is my husband. jeon jungkook" I said, she gulped and sighed.

"oh, sorry" she whispered looking down onto the floor.

"how did you even get in here?" jungkook asked, looking towards the door that we both were sure we locked.

"it was open when I was let up here" she replied.

"without an appointment?" the raven clarified. she nodded.

"I will be making some changes. I will be right back" jungkook said leaving the office as he shuts the door behind him.

"take a seat anna" I said, directing her to the chair in front of me.

"tell me about yourself" I said, leaning back in my chair as I continued to take sips from my drink.

"I dont think I should" she whispers, I frown and ask her why.

"I dont know you, I just bumped into you by accident. you dont need to know more about me" she made a fair point. I was just trying to be nice, show her that I appreciated it.

"I understand. I was just being nice, I did not want to just kick you out. I am not like one of those rich stuck up ceo's. I dont like that people get treated so badly by people who are ceo's. I did not want you to think I was one of them" I explained, she thought for a little before she sighed and nodded.

she sat down on the chair and cleared her throat.

"I am eighteen, studying to become a primary school teacher. I am currently at university" she said, I nodded as I listened to her closely. she looks really mature for her age, if I did not know her age now I would of though she was in her mid twenties.

"you gonna tell me who you are?" she questions.

"I am jeon taehyung, I own this company have so for a few years now. I am married and have four beautiful children." I said

"jeon taehyung? why do people call you mr kim?" she questions.

"great question. well because sometimes when jungkook and I are together and they call us both mr jeon it gets confusing. I am not fussed if people call me mr kim or mr jeon. as long as they dont call me by my name then thats fine" I replied

"makes sense. you said you have children? how old?" she questioned, I felt like I was being interrogated to be honest.

"hwan and haneul are six, yeona is eight and euni is thirteen" I proudly said.

"I can see just but the way you said that, that you really care for them" she whispers, I nodded and smiled.

"I really do. they're my life" I replied.

she cleared her throat before standing up.

"I should get going, I have classes soon" she said, grabbing her things. just as she was about to leave I interrupted her.

"hey, I know sometimes for the teachers degree that it can be handy having experiences to help you get a job. if you want you can do some volunteer hours at mine if you would like? babysit my children to get some experience?" I offered

"really?" she asked a little surprised. I nodded.

"that w-would be amazing. I have been trying to look for somewhere that I can volunteer at the get some added experience." she said, I clapped my hands once as I stood up.

"great" I said, grabbing a small piece of paper as I wrote my number on it.

"I have a work number and a personal number. this number is for my personal phone. send me a text so I can add you to my contacts." I said, handing her the paper as she bowed.

"thank you mr jeon" she smiled before walking out the office.

I did not miss the shine in her eyes when I offered for her to come over to meet my children. I also did not miss the sadness in her voice when she said 'you must really care for your kids'.

I was cut from my thoughts when the door was thrusted open. jungkook walking through the door with some tech guys walking in behind him.

"babe? what are you doing?" I asked, chuckling as jungkook pointed them towards the door.

"I am getting you a new system, I have this at my building. the only way to enter is through your fingerprint. and if you at the desk and someone knocks their face will be scanned and will come up on your computer and you just press a green button on the screen to let them in, which will unlock the door" jungkook explain. I wanted to tease him so badly for this but it sounded like a pretty cool idea.

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