Chapter 38: In the Shadow of the Mountain.

Start from the beginning

"If we waited for permisssssion then the Hogwartsssss would already be in a sssssticky messssss. The sssssafesssssst handssssss are ssssssstill our own." An-ru commented. 

"Well said, An-ru." Sean praised. 

"Sean?" Deek called.

Sean looked at Deek. "Yes, Deek. What is it?" He asked. 

"You have a letter that came from Mr. Sebastian Sallow." Deek informed. 

"Ugh." Sarah grunted. 

Sean read the letter. 'Sean. I wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn't have reacted so bitterly about your Goblin friend. I hope that we can finish what we started with the triptych. Meet me at the Southern Coast on the Eastern side of the Marunweem Lake. We can search for the final canvas piece there. Sebastian Sallow.'

Sean found it a little strange. "Sebastian apologizing?" He asked.

"That's a first." Sarah commented. "And the Triptych?" 

"I'll explain more on the way, Sarah." Sean assured. "Looks like we're heading for the Southern Coast." 

"That meansssssss going by the sssssea." An-ru commented. 

"Oh, the Coastlands!" Deek exclaimed. "Deek knows about that area."  

"Anything we should know?" Sean asked. 

"Oh, yes. Plenty." Deek answered. "Could Sean bring up the Field Guide." 

Sean displayed the Field Guide and pulled out the map.

"The Coastlands lie here. Past the South Sea Bog on the other side of the Mountains. The only access point is through the Coastal Cavern. It will bring you right into the Poidsear Coast." Deek explained. 

"Poidsear?" Sarah asked. "Isn't that the Scottish word for Poacher?" 

"Unfortunately." Deek answered. "Sean and Sarah may have taken care of business in the North, but the Southern Coastlands are crawling everywhere with Rookwood and Harlow's forces. And Ranrok's too for that matter. In fact, Deek also learned that the only way through is to go through a tunnel through the East South Sea Bog. But it's guarded by a whole mess of Ranrok's forces." 

Sean remembered hearing reports of a large concentration of Goblins around the Eastern Sea Bog. "And you're sure that's the only way into the Coastlands?" He asked.

"Unfortunately." Deek answered. "And security is powerful tight in the area." 

"Well that complicates matters. We'll stick out like sore thumbs. Stealth isn't an option." Sarah commented.

"Then we'll just have to kick in the front door." Sean declared. He then looked at the brooms in the area. "Are goblins... skilled at air travel?" He asked. 

"I don't believe so. No." Sarah answered. 

"Good." Sean grinned. "Because we're going to be getting to the Coast land and taking care of the defenses... from the air." 

"Could that work?" Sarah asked.

"Well, it's just a theory." Sean answered. "A good one though. All this time, we've fought the Goblins ground to ground. Well, let's see how they handle an air attack. Now get your broom. An-ru. You ride with me." 

"Got it." An-ru said.

But then Sean remembered. He forgot to ask Sarah what she wanted to do. "If... that's okay with you, Sarah." 

"I'm in." Sarah decided. "Someone needs to make sure that you and Sebastian don't do anything stupid. Again. Besides. It'll be good practice to try out my new Broom." 

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