"If looks could kill...." Dorcas started "I don't want to imagine what would happen to him" she smirked

"Right you are"

She watched annoyed as both Snape and Malfoy left the office. She stayed glued to her place at first, she looks around then her eyes falls on the Pensieve, standing up she walks up to it and glances at the door, she knew she would regret it but her curiosity had won, she plunges her head inside.

"I knew she'd do it" laughed James

"It's like she physically can't stop herself" added an amused Lily

"Too curious for her own good, too curious"

"It was a long shot"

The scenery changes, and she lands on the soft grass next to the Black Lake, under a tree sits a young Sirius, and next to him equally young looking, Remus, Peter and James. James is playing with a snitch, letting it go and catching it again

"Mate is this...." Remus started, worry etching into his features

"I bloody think it is" answered an equally worried James

Sirius: Put that away Prongs [James shrugs and does so] I'm bored, wish it was the full moon

"It bloody is innit?" he growled angrily "Why the hell would you put that in the pensive?" his question was angrily directed to Snape

"I had hoped this is not what I thought it was, but judging by your reaction, I couldn't be more wrong" sighed an annoyed Lily

"What wrong Black?" smirked a triumphant looking Severus Snape "Don't want your precious daughter to see the git you lot truly are?"

"Sod off Snevillus" growled James as he glared him "We apologized didn't we?" he scoffed

"Mr. Potter I suggest you calm down" McGonagall, being very aware of what had happened warned, she had not been easy on them for that stunt, Hogwarts had a non-bullying policy, and she'd been harsh on them for that one

Remus: [Chuckling] Easy for you to say...

"I still think full moons are tad fun" he whispered to no one in particular

"You know Black" Marlene started "If you stopped being such a git, people would like you more, you pretentious brat"

"People already like me" he argued offended by her insults

"I wouldn't be too sure" grumbled a rather annoyed Regulus


James: [He nudges Sirius] This should cheer you up, Pads, look!

Sirius: [Looking where James' gaze was locked then grins] Excellent, Snevillus!

Snape walks past them hurriedly and the four stand up at once, but James' amused face falls as he realizes why Severus was hurrying, it was because he was following after a certain Red head who was completely oblivious to being watched as she was laughing to whatever Alice and Marlene were saying. Sirius scowled at that as well, Lily was a friends and he didn't like it one bit that the greasy git was following her like an obsessed stalker. Remus was hesitant he knew his best would be merciless on him, Peter didn't care in the slightest.

"I still don't understand how you defend him Lily" sighed a worried Marlene in a quiet voice "It's creepy that he always there watching you from somewhere" she shuddered at the thought of having someone watch her from a far every day

"I agree" nodded Alice speaking in an equally hushed voice not wanting Snape to hear "He's so creepy, his obsession with you is truly unhealthy, I'm just worried about you"

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