The after math

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She'd never seen him use that before. Y/n marvelled at the sheer distruction before her. She turned her gaze to the source of the energy. Whilst she couldn't see him, she could feel Gojo standing near where she'd entered the veil.

It was then that she was reminded of how powerful he was. How far the gap between their strength was and always would be.

"I guess I can forgive him for being so cocky all the time," she muttered to herself.

She gathered Yuuji and Todo, leading them back to the school while concealing her own feelings of inadequacy. The two boys were talking behind her but she couldn't even pay attention. She kept replaying the fight over and over in her head. The moment she lost control, was the moment she lost.


She had to get better. Stronger.


Y/n stewed in her thoughts in the faculty office. For the past few hours everyone had been talking and researching and trying to figure out what had happened. It all sounded very serious, yes, but somehow she couldn't fully immerse herself in the problem solving.

She kept thinking about how she might've failed if Gojo hadn't chosen that exact moment to intervene.

Her thoughts took her to a dark place. Gojo had everything; power, money, unending confidence.

She just had... potential. Potential she wasn't reaching. She felt like she was a fraud. So much hype about how strong she'd been when she was younger. How amazing her past self was. And she wasn't able to live up to it now.

Why was he with her?

"He loves you," she whispered to herself.

But would he always? Gojo had never committed to anyone as long as she'd known him and he'd spent the better part of the last two years chasing after her. He was never fully satisfied with anything, always striving for more power, more influence. He was always working towards something better. So now that's he's finally got her. Achieved her. Would he strive for better?

The thought made her heart constrict.

"You look worried," his voice said.

She looked up to see him leaning against the doorframe. An easy smile on his face.

She'd been so distracted she hadn't even sensed his energy.

"I'm okay," she said reflexively.

He studied her for a bit, before doing something uncharacteristic. He shifted uncomfortably.

The action put her on alert, dreading whatever it was he was going to say next.

"Are you beating yourself up for what happened? Yuuji and Todo filled me in"

She averted her eyes to the floor.

She watched as his feet walked towards her. She really wanted to express her worries about him. How she felt a little inferior to him suddenly and if that meant a he'd get bored of her. Wanted him to tell her she was wrong. But her pride wouldn't allow those concerns to voice themselves.

"Look. The kids are safe, don't worry. And we promised each other we'd get you back to your old strength. So don't give up just yet," he said as he crouched down to be eye level with her.

He reached out to cup her face in his hands.

She looked up to see him smiling at her. He was wearing his blindfold so, without much thought, she reached out to pull it down.

"Sorry if you're straining your eyes," she said, "I just wanted to see you."

"Anything for you," he said.

Losing my mind with you | | Gojo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now