Little brother

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Back when Y/n was 12

Akechi raced across the courtyard towards the gates of the L/N clan's complex. His sister was heading off on another mission and he'd forgotten to give her a lucky charm.

The complex was situated in a forest, so there were lots of trees an flowers surrounding them. Akechi loved it in spring because butterflies would often visit them.

He always found a new one for her to take before she left on missions. Sometimes he'd hide it in her clothes the night before a mission, thinking she wouldn't find it but it would still protect her. But somehow Y/n would always return holding it in her hand and thank him, crediting his charm for the successful mission.

Y/n had never failed. And Akechi wanted to make sure it stayed that way. The panic that would lance through his heart at the thought of what sort of punishment their father would dish out to her if she should fail was enough to keep him making charms over and over again.

This time he'd made her a bracelet out of silk he'd stolen from their mother's things.  It was a pretty blue colour.

When he got to the gate, Y/n was standing in the front with their father who making a speech. They were both facing the other members of the clan who would be joining Y/n. Akechi had no idea what the mission was, he was still too young to be invited to the family meetings.

Y/n stood up straight, her feet shoulder width apart, hands behind her back, chest out and expressionless.

She was an entirely different person when she put on her uniform. She wore a skintight black suit that made her look like a small shadow.

And she moved like one too. Silent, quick and easy to lose track of.

The Y/n Akechi knew was kind and caring, she played for him for hours even if she hurt after a mission. She always gave him extra food from her own plate and took the blame for anything wrong he did. The Y/n who went on missions was emotionless, calculated and strong.

Akechi tried to move through the adults standing before his father, towards his sister. They begrudgingly moved, not wanting to upset the heir of the clan.

Y/n noticed him and her expression shifted slightly to one of gentle amusement. His father also noticed but he seemed less amused, more irritated.

When he got to the front, their father stopped speaking to give him a glare.

Akechi swallowed fearfully but continued towards his sister. Whatever punishment awaited  him for interrupting was worth it if he could protect his sister.

"Sis, I brought you a lucky bracelet!" He said holding it out to her with both hands.

Y/n's stoic mask was replaced with a bright smile.

"Wow! It's so pretty, Akechi," she gasped, "I don't know what I would've done without it."

She slipped it over her hand and onto her wrist, making a show of admiring it.

She ruffled his (your h/c) hair affectionately.

"We're about to go now so go back inside and help mom with lunch," she said, "I'll see you in a few days."

He quickly hugged his sister, only managing to hold onto her waist as he was significantly shorter than her.

She hugged him back, rubbing his back.

He reluctantly released her and ran back to the house.


She returned the next day, earlier than expected with half the team she left with. They were all in a state. Bloodied, limping and some were being carried.

Y/n was using her cursed energy to transport some of the fallen soldiers. She was using wind to carry some of them above her head.

Akechi could tell she was exhausted. Y/n was exceptionally good at using her cursed energy. However on this occasion, she was staring at the floating soldiers, a look of pure concentration on her face, she also had a hand held out in front of her to help her channel her energy easier.

This display troubled him. She often could wreak havoc without lifting a finger.

He ran out to meet them, his heart racing faster when he noticed Y/n's left arm, the one she wasn't holding out in front of her.

It was bloody, hanging loosely from her side as if it weren't even hers anymore. It swayed sickeningly with her gait. She also limped.

"Y/n," her father said appearing from a house close to where Y/n was.

She immediately stopped walking at the sound of his voice.

She gently lowered the injured down and stood at attention waiting to be addressed.

"Status report," he barked.

"We lost 10 men. Most of us got away with serious injuries. We encountered one man. A member of the zenin clan... he... he didn't use cursed energy. In fact, I couldn't sense anything from...."

Akechi stopped moving, he was rooted at the spot hearing what his sister was saying. She failed. And worst of all, she looked scared.

She continued after drawing a breath, "Sir, I couldn't even do anything. I couldn't land a single hit on him. He absolutely overwhelmed me."

Y/n didn't even bother reporting on whether or not the other members of the clan had managed to land any hits on this mysterious man because if Y/n lost, none of them would stand a chance.

Her lip began to quiver, she was holding back tears.

"I'm sorry, father. I tried really hard," she choked out.

Their father regarded her silently.

The only sounds was Y/n sniffing. The other members didn't dare say or do anything. Some of them looked like they felt sorry for her.

Akechi felt tears prickle in his eyes. He couldn't bear to see her so defeated. And mostly, he was afraid their father was going to do something horrible to her.

He sprinted towards her. She noticed him just as he was about to reach her. She let him embrace her, falling down onto one knee to he could wrap his arms around her neck.

"Don't cry sis!" He said with tears running down his face, "You came back. That's what matters."

She ruffled his hair, "you're the one who's crying, dummy." She teased.

Their father finally spoke, "Akechi go inside the house. Y/n stand up."

Y/n gave Akechi a look that told him he needed to leave immediately.

And so he did, regretting it as soon as he closed the door behind him and he heard her agonised screams.

He went to his room and threw away the luckily necklace he had started working on.

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