we need to talk... again

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Y/n sat very tense next to Gojo. He had one of his hands on her thigh as they sat on the soft, white couches in their room. In his other hand, he held his phone. He was having a video call with Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi.

She declined his offer to join the call, worried that Megumi was still upset with her. And instead chose to hide, keep quiet and pretend she wasn't heart broken.

"Sensei, aren't you and Y/n-sensei dating now? Is she not sharing a room with you?" Nobara ask.

"She's L/n-sensei," Megumi's voice corrected in a dead tone.

Well, he was definitely still pissed.

"Um... well, yes. L/n-sensei," Nobara said awkwardly before perking up, "... I can't believe she's actually thee  L/n Y/n, the demon child. When we grew up, they told us she died fighting a member of the Zenin clan..."

"She just got her ass beaten severely. The only thing she died of was embarassment," Gojo explained.

Y/n shot him an angry glare with a middle finger to compliment it.

"Wow," Yuuji's voice said, "They used to call her the demon child? That's so bad ass. Hey, sensei can you ask Y/n-sensei to call me when she can. I want to tell her about this new movie I saw."

Nobara butted in, "Yeah! Get her to call me, too. I need some advice on a dress I want. Maybe she can also lend me some money to buy it."

"Huh?" Gojo asked sounding hurt, "What about me? I want to hear about movies and dresses!"

Nobara and Yuuji didn't reply. Making the exchange turn awkward.

"Fine... Megumi? Should I tell mommy Y/n to call you?"

A pause followed the question.

Y/n held her breath waiting for his response.

"No, that won't be necessary," he said finally, "I'm gonna go. Good bye, sensei."

Gojo sighed.

Y/n felt a lump in her throat but quickly swallowed it. He would forgive her for lying to him eventually. Right?


"So, Lilly..." Y/n said whilst her and Gojo were eating dinner.

He choked in his soup and glanced up at Y/n with a surprised expression.

She tried to keep her expression  neutral. However she had an underlying anxiety building inside her.

"Well. I can't say I wasn't expect you to bring her up," he sighed.

"So spill," she said, idly poking at her rice with a spoon whilst watching him carefully.

"What do you want to know?" He asked, putting down his food and smiling at her.

"She mentioned that you guys spent some time at this hotel 3 weeks ago... what's that about? Are you still seeing her?"

Gojo didn't answer immediately which rang an alarm bell in Y/n's head.

He sighed, "Look. You and I hadn't started dating 3 weeks back. I mean... are we even dating?"

Y/n felt something heavy settle in her chest. She knew where this was going. She'd known about his reputation. What made her special?

"I'm not sure what we are. Or if you're even going to stick around. So as much as I'm not actively seeing anyone else. I didn't exactly break it off with anyone else either."

Y/n let out an involuntary loud and bitter laugh.

Gojo's eyes widened in surpise.

"So I am just one of your girlfriends like she said?" She said plainly.

"Y/n... come on,"

"I'm so stupid..."

She stood up abruptly, almost knocking over her chair, "I'm going to take a walk."

Gojo began to stand up as well.

"Alone, Satoru," she said.

"That's not happening," he said, almost laughing, "I told you. I'm not letting you out of my sight."

She turned to give him a cold stare, "I'm taking a walk, Satoru. If I have to fight my way out of here, I will."

Gojo still smiling just shook his head, "It's either you stay here or you let me come with you... you and I both know those are your only options..."

The implication that she would never be able to fight against him was hanging in the air. She was at his mercy, really.

"Reminds me of when you kept me locked up in a prison..." she muttered.

Gojo's smile dropped.

"Am I gonna have to run away from you, too?" You asked.

"That's not fair, Y/n," he said.

She knew that. She was being overly emotional. He was right. She'd always pushed him away, why should he devote himself to her entirely at her whim? He was also looking out for himself. But was Lilly's presence in his life really what she was upset about?

She sighed. And walked back to the table. She sat down and continued eating without saying another word. She felt strongly about Gojo and she was sure he felt the same about her. Infidelity wasn't a serious concern... In fact... it would be easier if he was cheating on her.

Gojo joined her silently while thoughts raced through her mind. He watched her eat. She was trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry," she blurted.


"I'm so in love with you, Satoru," she proclaimed fixing him with a determined stare. It was true. The real reason for her mood was beginning to dawn on her.

Gojo was visibly shocked at the blunt confession. It wasn't new knowledge, of course. But for her to say it with so much confidence...

"It's just..." tears began to well up in her eyes, "If I had to lose you... If I have to bury you, too..." her voice began to wobble and she struggled catch her breath. Her hand instinctively shot up to her neck as if she could open up her tight throat.

Panic attack!? Right now? She thought to herself.

She gasped for air, "Satoru... If something had to happen to you. I don't think I could survive it. Not again."

Gojo moved quickly to her side. He gently removed her hand from her throat, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. He wrapped his other arm around her and pulled her into a warm embrace.

"Nothing will happen to me, Y/n," he whispered, "Nobody will take me away from you. I promise."

She cupped his face and tilted her head up to look at him. He gave a gentle smile before leaning down to plant his lips firmly, reassuringly, on hers.

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