From his perspective

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Gojo fully intended to spend the night at Y/n's apartment. After what she'd gone through that day, she needed him.

He walked her all the way home and when it was time for him to leave her at the door, he walked in with her and pulled out a toothbrush from the plastic packet from the convenience store.

He watched her expression of amusement as she shook her head at him and closed the door behind them.

"Well, make yourself at home, I guess," she said as she made her way towards the fridge, "you want anything to drink or eat?"

Gojo sat down on her couch, facing her. He rested his arms over the back of the couch and sat with his legs open. He'd already taken off his blindfold.

"I could think of something I'd want to eat although I doubt you'll find it inside that fridge," he said his voice low and alluring.

He chuckled very quietly to himself as he watched Y/n desperately avoid eye contact and pretend she wasn't affected by his words.

"I guess I'll make us some pasta," she said after clearing her throat.

Y/n would never admit this but Gojo was well aware that she had it bad for him. And he enjoyed watching the internal battle she seemed to fight everytime he flirted with her, touched her or blatantly confessed his feelings for her.

He did feel bad for her, however. What she had to go through for them to meet was incredibly difficult. It was hard for him to come to terms with her still having another man in her mind. He was a ghost now and he was definitely haunting them.

Despite that, he was glad they met. He'd never met another woman who was nearly as interesting as she was, not nearly as powerful and not nearly as beautiful.

While Y/n busied herself with chopping vegetables, he took the moment to let his eyes roam over her body. Her body moved gracefully across the kitchen, her prowess with the kitchen knife almost scary. He knew she was good with knives even in less... domestic settings. Y/n occasionally glanced up at him. He loved those moments where he would immediately try to hold her attention and she would either quickly look away, looking annoyed with herself or she'd just grin back at him. It honestly depended on her mood.

After a while she went back to focusing on the food. And Gojo figured it was as good a time as any to look around her apartment for any security issues.

As much as he was here for his own selfish reasons, he couldn't ignore the fact that one of the L/n clan members found her. Right under his nose even. The thought really pissed him off. He'd have to report it to Yaga.

While he walked around checking windows and looking for anything out of place he heard Y/n yelled, "Satoru?"

"Yes, my sweet Y/n ?" He replied back. He smiled to himself as he heard her sigh in exasperation.

"Stop calling me that," she complained.

He knew she was gonna say that.

She continued, "There's something I've been meaning to ask you. You've managed to hide me from my family and the higher ups pretty well over the last 2 years... but since I'm teaching at the school now and the kids don't know who I am... won't the higher ups figure out I exist eventually? I mean the school exchange event is coming up..."

"Yeah, they probably will find out soon," he replied as he walked into the bathroom and happily put his tooth brush in her toothbrush holder.

"What's the plan for when that happens?" She asked.

He walked back into the livingroom/kitchen. She was sitting on the counter, the food cooking next to her. She fixed him with a serious look.

Gojo walked up to her and planted himself between her legs. His hands rested on her hips, "Don't worry about the higher ups, Y/n. They won't touch you while I'm around."

"They'll try, though," she almost whispered.

"Then I'll kill them all," he stated matter-of-factly.

She looked at him with some element of disappointment but nonetheless, she relaxed. Then she seemed to be considering something before she made up her mind and placed her hands over his.

He expected her to take them off her hips but was pleasantly surprised when she moved them up to her waist and she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer.

"Oh wow, Y/n. Isn't this a little inappropriate," he teased, moving his face closer to her.

She smiled before initiating the kiss.

A burst of pure bliss overcame him and he held on tightly to her waist as they kissed. There was a long time where the only sounds was of the food simmering and their lips smacking together and the occasional content sighs and moans.

This was what he'd wanted for a long time. And he was happy he was one step closer to getting there. He just wanted this moment, this kiss, this innocent intimacy to last forever. He didn't even want to have sex with her at that moment. He was more concerned with building her comfort with him. He wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend and for her to have no doubts when she agreed.

Eventually Y/n pulled away. They looked at each other for few seconds. Gojo felt a pang of sadness when he noticed she looked uncertain but he smiled anyway.

She gave him another quick kiss before jumping down from the counter to check on the stove.

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