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1 year ago

Y/n felt uneasy. Satoru was acting unusually serious as they sat together under a Sakura tree. He seemed to be contemplating something. His hair was down, blindfold off so she could see his eyes. She found them very beautiful.

He stared into her (e/c) eyes with a small smile playing on his lips.

The intensity of his stare made Y/n's breath hitch. She felt drawn into his eyes.

"What?" She whispered.

"Are you really thinking of leaving the country?" He finally blurted.

The spell and heavy atmosphere suddenly broke at his outburst. Y/n took in a deep breath and then let out a long sigh.

"Yeah, I just dont see how staying in the country is going to be sustainable. Someone is eventually going to recognize me and tell my father," she explained.

"We've been dealing with that very well so far," Gojo argued.

"I can't live the rest of my life hiding behind you or Nanami, Satoru," she countered, her voice becoming louder.

"Why not? I can't speak for Nanami but I would gladly protect you for the rest of our lives!" He said, eyes burning with the intensity of his conviction.

The words took her by surprise. She'd always thought he was following her everywhere and watching over her because of the agreement she and the school had come to when they captured her. An agreement that said that they would  hide her identity and keep her safe if she lent them her power.

She always thought it was a sense of duty that kept Satoru around...

A short silence followed that sentence. Where only the sound was of wind rustling through the foliage above them.

"Satoru..." she whispered.

"Y/n..." he said, looking nervous, "I think you should know that I-"

She shook her head vigorously, "No, Satoru-"

"Listen, please. I-"

She stood up, "Stop!"

He followed suit, standing up, "Let me say this-"

She felt herself panicking. She knew what was coming. She knew because she felt it too. When she was with Satoru it was almost like being with ... him.

"I need to go," she blurted out turning on her heel to basically run away.

He caught her arm in his large hands to stop her from getting away.

Without much effort he pulled her into him, turned her around and caught her face in his other hand.

She looked up at and into his eyes, her heart pounding in her eyes.

He leaned in, his eyes closing.

She closed her own.

Then she felt his lips softly molding onto hers.

Her heart seemed to burst open with excitement. A slow, cozy feeling swelled up inside of her as they continued to kiss.

But underneath all the warmth and happiness a more sinister feeling crept it's way into her mind.


She pulled away suddenly. Satoru stared at her with shock on his face.

"I'm sorry, Satoru," she said, her eyes stinging.

Gojo just watched her, seemingly lost for words.

"I can't do this... Takashi..." she started to back away from him.

His grip on her loosened as it seemed to register what her hesitation was about. He looked embarrassed and deflated.

"No... don't apologize," he said, "I'm the one who should apologise."

She quickly turned and ran back to her room on the school premises.

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