Break it up

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Yuuji struggled to breathe as Y/n crushed him in a hug. She was sniffling slightly so he patted her gently on the back.

She eventually leaned back, tears shining on her cheeks, "You tell nobody you saw me cry," was the first thing she said to him.

Yuuji gave her a thumbs up, "I promise, sensei."

She smiled, "I'm... happy to see you alive."

Yuuji beamed at that.

"Gojo sensei is training me now so I definitely won't be easy to kill next time. I promise you won't have to cry again, sensei," he said with determination.

At the mention of Gojo's name, Y/n cast him a brief glance. The first time she'd looked at him that day. He was leaning against the door to the basement he was hiding Yuuji in, looking uncharacteristically serious. He was staring straight back at her. The look on his face was stubborn but a bit sad.

She had refused to speak to him or acknowledge his presence as much as she possibly could for the past 2 weeks. She only addressed him during work hours if she had to and it was limited to formal requests.

That morning he had knocked at her door (she didn't open) and announced that he wanted her to see Yuuji (she then opened the door). She silently followed him whilst ignoring any attempts he made to apologize to her. She also kept her eyes away from him. Mostly it was because she was too mad to even look at him.... but a small part of her was afraid if she looked at him, she would forgive him and she didn't want to forgive him.

She turned her gaze back to Yuuji, a small smile settling on her lips. She gave him a quick small hug again before turning to walk towards the door.

Gojo moved out of the way to let her walk out the door, "I'm sure it goes without saying that you can't tell anyone about this," he said.

She nodded, "I don't like it. But I'll keep your secret only for Yuuji's sake."

She made to grab the door handle when Gojo's hand grabbed her wrist suddenly.

She looked at his large hand on her (skin colour) wrists.

"Can't you even look at me?" He murmured, sounding strained.

Her heart squeezed buy she reminded herself that he lied to her. They were supposed to be partners. You don't lie to your partner.

She pulled her wrist away, "Thanks for letting me see him. I've got a class to teach now. Goodbye."

He didn't say anything as she walked outside.

Two hours later Y/n found herself sitting in a comfy white armchair while Nanami read a newspaper. She was exhausted, her body aching.

"Talk to him or stop acting all depressed, Y/n," Nanami finally snapped.

"What? I'm just sitting here, why are you annoyed?" She whined.

"I can literally hear your brain thinking about him," Nanami sighed, "I obviously spend too much time around you."

Y/n wanted to argue with him but the energy never came. Instead she flopped deeper into her seat and closed her eyes, "He kept a secret from me..."

"Is that all?" Nanami asked

Her eyes snapped open, "It's a big deal. He lied to me! And when I started to suspect him and asked about it, he completely denied it. He looked me in the eyes and lied! How can I trust him?" The words rushed out.

Nanami sighed. He took off his glasses and put down his newspaper.

Y/n watched him silently.

"Y/n L/n. If I were in Satoru's position (and God forbid I ever am), if it was to protect you, I would lie to you. Was he trying to protect you?"

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