True power

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"I should just fight him, right?" Y/n whispered to Gojo.

He didn't reply.

It was after the conference. They were sitting in a garden on a swing chair. A butterfly flew past them as the qind gently rustled the leaves on the trees around them. It kind of reminded Y/n of that day 2 years ago when Gojo kissed her the first time and she ran away.

When he still wasn't replying she turned to look at him. He had his blindfold off and was staring blankly ahead of him with a slight frown on his face.

"Hey," she said softly, nudging him.

He seemed to snap out of it, turning to her with a smile back on his face, he took her hand in his and brought it to his lips "I'm sorry. I'm back. What were you saying."

"Are you alright?" She asked him.

"Of course," he replied immediately.

She didn't press him but she could feel that something wasn't alright. She also briefly wondered when she began to notice small changes in Gojo's behaviour.

She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then leaned on him, her head landing on his shoulder. His head landed on top of hers.

"We fought the other night. You said you're in love with me," Gojo said, "Did you mean it?"

A bit surprised Y/n didn't reply immediately. He sounded oddly unsure if himself.

"Nevermind," he said quickly then he laughed it off, "Of course you're in love with me."

She felt herself blush.

He went silent. His grip on her hand tightening a bit.

"You don't have to say anything," eventually came his reply.

He lifted his head off hers, and then lifted her face with a long, gentle finger. His piercing gaze lingered on hers. For a few seconds they just stared at each other, the only sounds were of their breathing, the wind and leaves.

Then they kissed. It was a long, gentle kiss filled with tenderness. Y/n felt her heart ache. She wanted him to be happy. Wanted him to feel what she felt for him. To know it.

"Gross," a feminine voice interrupted them.

Y/n pulled away recognizing her best friend's voice.

"Setsuna!" She exclaimed.

Setsuna was wearing a flattering emerald green suit. The colours of her clan. Her braids were hanging loose, framing her carefully made up face which was twisted in a disgusted expression.

"So you've been awol for a month so you could suck on Gojo's face? I suppose you were too ashamed to tell me..." she said coldly.

Y/n laughed awkwardly. She had been so caught up with everything the last month, she'd forgotten to catch upbwith Setsuna.

Setsuna rolled her eyes then turned her attention to Gojo, "Bet you're ecstatic, huh, pretty boy? Finally got my friend to notice you?"

Y/n could hear rhe familiar friendly mocking tone creeping into Setsuna's voice. She must not be too upset, then.

Gojo grabbed Y/n and hugged her, practically pulling her onto his lap, "the only thing that would make me happier is if she had my kids."

Both Setsuna laughed at that.

"What's so funny about that?" He asked, sounding hurt.

"Nothing. I just can't imagine Y/n having kids," Setsuna said.

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