The past: Takashi and Y/n

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17 year old Y/n.

A few weeks have passed and I'm having the most fun I've ever had in my entire life. Ever since I've met him I realise that kind of shitty life I was living back with my family. Takashi introduced me to his friends and family. All of whom welcomed me with open arms even letting me stay with them. He didn't tell any of them about who I was and who my family were.

He'd shown me that life was more than just training and fighting. He found it crazy that I'd never been to a restaurant unless I was setting it on fire. He even laughed when I asked him how to buy tickets for the movies and Takashi hardly ever laughed. I tried alcohol for the first time and even tried to smoke one of his cigarettes (he slapped it out of my hand and told me to never start smoking).

I spent a lot of time laughing with him and his friends, helping his mother around the house, babysitting his little siblings and learning about art and photography from his father who was a well-known cinematographer.

What was strange, though, was that I noticed Takashi and his father tended to disappear at night and sometimes for a whole day. They would return exhausted or injured. I kind of have an idea what's up. I mean, Takashi mentioned that he's found himself in the range of one of my attacks. He was probably part of the security detail of the clan much like I was. His family didn't seem evil like mine, however. They were probably fighting cursed spirits.

One evening a knock comes from my door in the small room I had been given. It wasn't much but was comfortable, safe and private.

"Who's there?" I called out.

"An offer for  fun night," came Takashi's voice.

I sniffed the air, trying to identify the scent of his cursed energy. There it was, it was a very soothing scent, calm like Takashi but very intimidating at the same time. I was getting the hang of smelling cursed energy but more often than not I could only smell people I'm seeing with my eyes and remembering scents is still very difficult.

"Come on in, then," I sing

Takashi walks into the room. He's fully dressed in a snug black T-shirt and black jeans with white sneakers.

"Get dressed, bet you've never been on a ferris wheel," he says with a lopsided smile.

I grin at him excitedly getting up to grab some clothes. He politely covers his eyes with his hand and turns to face the other way. I wasn't too bothered about people seeing my body naked. I have never really been shy about those sorts of things.


Two hours later we are sitting on top of the world. I'm looking out over the countryside from the top of the ferris wheel. It's so relaxing.

Next to me Takashi is quietly enjoying the scenery as well.

"I think I can see your house from here," I say to him turning to face him.

I find that he's beaten me to it, already watching me silently. He smiles at me. He's got such a beautiful smile. I feel my cheeks heat up. Takashi had started to have that effect on me.

"W-what?" I asked him.

"You look so much happier than when I met you," he says, his hair flowing gently around his face in the wind, "I like it."

I feel myself smile at him as if to show him that, yes, I really am happier. But I wonder if he knows that the only reason sunrises have started giving me hope are because I can help him cook every morning. And that the only reason sunsets are beautiful are because I can watch them with him. I wanted him to know that nights were my least favourite time of the day because it was the only time I couldn't spend by his side. I wanted him to know all that.

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