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That rainy morning was spent alternating between playfully roasting each other and heated moments of tossing around in the sheets. Their phones were on silent as they attempted to savor whatever small amounts of peace they had left before shit hit the fan.

"Do you remember how drunk you were last night?" Gojo asked, "It was hilarious."

Y/n groaned, "Yeah, I remember."

"Did you mean everything you said?" He asked.

His blue eyes were softly looking into her (e/c) ones. His fingers playing with her (texture) hair, a rare allowance she was giving him. She didn't like people touching her hair.

Y/n felt her skin heat up in anticipation of her confession, "I... I did. I meant everything. "

His face split into a wide grin. He looked genuinely happy, "I can't blame you. I am who I am, after all. Very few could resist."

Y/n playfully hit him on the chest,"Be serious."

His response to that was to wrap hand around the back of her neck and kiss her hard and passionately. Y/n had to take a deep breath when he broke away.

"I've got nothing new to share, Y/n. You've known how I feel about you for a whole year now. It's always just been waiting for you to admit it to yourself," he whispered.

Y/n jokingly rolled her eyes at him, "Bold of you to assume I've always felt this way."

"Like I always say. I know you more than you realise," he said, "be flattered, I never take this much interest in women."

Y/n rolled her eyes for real this, "Are you ever not this arrogant?"

Gojo grinned, "Never."


Eventually they had to check their phones. Y/n's was full of missed calls from her younger brother who apparently had even broken into her apartment looking for her. He'd heard that Kohta L/n had located her and he was rallying the whole clan to bring her back home.
She also had missed calls from Setsuna (her bestie). Setsuna had sent texts about the fact that even her (Setsuna's) clan knew about what had happened, evidently the news was spreading. And of course multiple missed calls from Principal Yaga and one from Nanami. A text from Nanami just said, "You're an idiot."

Gojo's phone was similarly bombarded. Y/n's little brother had sent a voice note saying, "You were supposed to protect her."
Otherwise he had been bombarded with messages , voice messages, emails and calls from Yaga, Nanami and the higher ups.


2 hours later they sat in Yaga's office being scolded like misbehaving children.

"Gojo-kun, I've always known you were a trouble-maker so this doesn't surprise me. But Y/n? Im very disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry da- I mean, Yaga-san," she said. Her face heated up at the slip-up.

Gojo burst out loud, "There's no way. Did you just call him dad? He's your father figure? Hilarious."

Y/n and Yaga glared at him.

While Yaga-san was a lot younger than her actual father. He had, in the last few years, felt a lot like what Y/n imagined a father should feel like. But she wasn't about to admit that.

Yaga sighed and clasped his hands together, "Y/n. This is really bad. As much as the higher ups won't advocate for your kidnapping... because, you know, it's illegal. They definitely won't stop your father from sending an army to fetch you."

"An army won't be able to stop me," Gojo said casually, "They wouldn't dare try to touch her with me around."

"Of course they won't," Yaga said.

"They'll just make sure he's never around me," Y/n finished.

"Exactly. Now that you're not in hiding anymore. They'll probably insist you become a certified Jujutsu sorcerer. They'll give you missions away from us and then try capture you. And, no, Satoru, you can't burst into L/n territory to rescue her. It'll start a war."

Gojo scoffed as if to say he didn't care if it started a war. Yaga shook his head at him.

Y/n sighed, her face giving away her stress, "I guess I gotta start training again... L/n-san could've easily beat me back there."

"Actually," Gojo interjected, "You're a whole lot stronger than him. Why did he have the upper hand over you?"

Y/n unconsciously hugged herself, "I was scared, " she muttered quietly.


Y/n, Gojo and Yaga looked at where the new voice had come from. Nanami stood at the entrance, wearing a white button up with no blazer, the sleeves pushed up past his elbows and tan coloured chinos.

He continued talking while walking towards them, "You would really let yourself die over unresolved trauma?"

"That's cold, Nanami," Gojo hummed.

"Shut up. You think the same thing," Nanami said.

Gojo didn't deny that. Y/n shot him a look.

Y/n didn't argue with them. They were right. She froze out there.

Nanami pulled up a chair next to Y/n and glared at her, "You're way more effort than you're worth, you know that?"

"Love you too, Nanami," Y/n sang.

"The only thing we can do for her now is make sure she's strong enough to deal with anything," Yaga continued.

They all agreed with that. Y/n had to stop avoiding using her powers.


"Why didn't you tell us you were thee Y/n L/n?" Nobara asked, with awe in her expression, "You used to be such a big deal when you were 17. You used to be everywhere in the news when you went missing. They had these drawings of what you look like. You don't look like I thought. We used to tell so many stories about you. Is it true you haven't lost a single fight? Can you really breathe lava? I was like 9 when you disappeared. All the girls at school wanted to be you,"

Y/n let her ramble while they stood near the vending machines. It was still drizzling so their training had mostly been a theory lesson. Itadori looked between them obviously confused. He didn't know anything about the jujutsu world so he was understandably ignorant.

"Wait, so you're some kind of prodigy? And you went into hiding for 8 years... but you were actually hiding here..." he asked slowly.

Y/n patted him on the head, "Well done Yuuji. Good effort, kid."

Nobara burst out laughing while Yuuji sulked.

Y/n chuckled quietly, glad that at least these two weren't upset with her for lying to them. But of course they weren't, they barely knew her. She hadn't been lying for that long.

The real challenge lay with Megumi. Who, without explanation, hadn't arrived to their training meeting. He had known her for 2 years now and they'd become somewhat close.

She'd helped him train, helped him study for his exams, he'd even spent her first Christmas after Takashi's death at her place (along with Gojo, of course). He would definitely be hurt.

A few minutes later Y/n found herself nervously standing in front of Megumi's door. She took a deep breath in and knocked.

A few seconds passed before Megumi opened the door. He looked annoyed and his annoyance turned into anger when he saw her.

"Hey, kid..." she said quietly with a small wave.

Megumi closed the door in her face.

She felt a lump in her throat, "I deserve that," she said loudly so he'd hear her through the door, "I'll give you space."

She stood there a few seconds more, hoping he'd maybe come and talk to her. Eventually she gave up and turned to walk to Gojo who was standing at the far end of the hallway.

Losing my mind with you | | Gojo x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat