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6 years ago
19 year old Y/n

"Happy birthday to you!" The last notes of the songs rang out in the Nagato's main family room. The smell of sweet icing wafted onto my face as I bent down to blow out candles for the second time in my life.

I made a wish.

My new family cheered for me, giving me hugs and pats on the back. It was moments likes these that made me so glad I'd found Takashi and his family.

A few hours later when the sun was going down and the birthday party had simmered down to a more relaxed gathering with music playing quietly and people laughing and talking, I caught sight of Takashi from the other side of the room.

His hair was tied up, he was leaning on a wall with his hands in his pockets. The sight of him made my heart jump. He winked at me and then jerked his head towards the door before making his way there.

Without too much hesitation I, of course, followed.

Outside Takashi was waiting right outside the door for me. When I stepped out he grabbed me into a tight embrace and whispered, "Happy birthday, Y/n."

I hugged him back, my eyes closing as the feeling of his muscles tightening around me caused a warm happiness to blossom within me.

When he pulled back he took my hand, "Come on, I have something for you."

He held my hand as he led me away from the family house and into a car. Takashi didn't often drive but I knew he was able to.

We got inside and when I asked him where we going his only response was a smile.

"So how's your birthday going?" He asked as they drove on the dimly lit country road.

I stared out the window at the fields whizzing past us, "It's been really good," I replied. Even better now that I'm alone with you. I thought.

We engaged in our usual conversations, Takashi making me laugh while he delivered his jokes with a straight face and a deadpan voice. He was also being very complimentary that day, telling me my hair looked nice, my smile was contagious, my eyes were enchanting. I was a giddy mess by the time he stopped the car is an empty parking lot by the sea.

The sun was low over the horizon, casting purple and orange light over the calm ocean which reflected them like a mirror. We stepped out of the car and walked, barefoot, over the white sand.

We stood close to the shoreline, the water lapping at our feet every few seconds.

"So there's a conversation I wanted us to continue," Takashi's deep voice finally said.

I turned to look at him, instantly regretting it as my heart nearly stopped at the sight of his eyes on me already. He was giving me a look that made my breath hitch, it made me feel like I was the only person he cared about. Like I meant everything to him. All that weight carried in a pair of emerald eyes.

And I knew. I knew what he felt. I knew because I knew that what I saw in eyes was exactly what he'd seen in my eyes for the past 2 years. Love.

"Y/n. 2 years ago you and I went on a ride on a ferris wheel. I remember looking at you, your beautiful face was so happy. I don't know why at that moment, but it finally clicked. You. The reasons why I looked forward to every morning was and is still because of you. That day changed everything for me. I've never wanted to make someone else happy before. I want to protect you from your clan, your father and everything else the world wants to throw at you. And I want to ask you, right now to consider letting me call myself yours," he said. The whole speech was given in his usual calm tone but underneath it all, I could hear a bit of a wobble in his voice. Slight as it was, I could tell he was nervous.

He turned his body to fully face mine and I did the same.

"So what do you say?" He whispered.

I felt tears in my eyes, I opened my mouth to speak but nothing would come out. So instead I nodded vigourously, tears spilling out from eyes. I didn't think anyone would ever feel that way about me.

He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. We held the hug for what felt like forever before we pulled back, arms still holding on. Takashi looked down at me with a softness on his features I would soon learn he only reserved for me.

He leaned down slowly, giving me time to react. I closed my eyes as I felt his soft, warm lips graze mine. The kiss was innocent, sweet. But my entire existence felt renewed.

When we pulled apart the sun had already set and it was dark. I couldn't take my eyes off him and he seemed to struggle to do the same. I could feel it. Both our hearts screaming "I love you" so loud we didn't have to verbalize it. We just knew.

Author's note:

Sorry guys. I like to write Takashi and Y/n flashbacks when I have writer's block. It's a good exercise because there's no rules with these two, Takashi is my own creation so his personality is easier to write than someone with already defined personality traits. I'm still a Gojo simp but sometimes I need to think long and hard anout how I'm portraying him (and I reread a few chapters if this fan fic and I don't like my portrayal of him sometimes). So I'm gonna watch Jjk again and reread the manga to refresh Gojo's personality in my mind.

But anyway, I hoped you enjoyed!

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