Running solo

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Two weeks later Y/n found herself standing outside on her balcony, shivering. She wasn't sure if she was shivering because of the breeze cooling her sweat-soaked body or because of her nerves. She'd just had another nightmare. She relived the day she killed Takashi but this time the dream also added Misaki to the mix. She was child in the dream, smiling at her. And Y/n had had no choice but to kill the child version of her cousin.

She was struggling to regain her composure. Taking deep, shaky breaths in between sobs.

Where was Satoru when she needed him?

For the past 2 weeks, most nights Gojo slept over at her place. He even had a small bag that chilled under her bed with extra clothes and toiletries. Somehow she'd let the situation get out of hand.

She laughed out loud, shakily, "You let things get out of hand on, purpose..." she whispered to herself.

She eventually let out a deep sigh, wiped her eyes and stretched her arms over her head. She felt she needed some kind of release. She had so many confusing feelings built up inside of her. She decided she should go out looking for cursed spirits and excorcise them. That would give her something to distract her.

It was still early, almost 9pm.

Gojo would probably freak out if her knew she was about to wander around Tokyo by herself without informing anyone. But she could handle herself. And honestly, she was getting tired of hiding.

She got changed and headed out to sniff out some cursed spirits.


After the 5th easy exorcism, Y/n started getting bored. She kept enquiring grade 1 curses, she was strong enough that she could kill them with a flick of a finger, she didn't even need to use her cursed techniques.

Shs shoved her hands into the pockets of her shorts, her tummy was being caressed by the wind since she was wearing a simple maroon boob tube and her oversized denim jacket was open. She was also wearing a bucket hat low over her face to keep it obscured, just in case.

She walked around the city which was still somehow busy at night. She Absent mindedly admired how colorful and bright the night was due to the billboards and store lights.

She excorcised a small spirit that was groping an older woman. The woman seemed to instantly feel relieved.

I should do this more often, Y/n thought to herself.

It felt good to use her power to help others. Since she left her home she avoided using cursed energy in general. When she was still living with her clan she hardly got to use her strength for anything other than to do her father's dirty work.

She'd spent a good chunk of her childhood intimidating other clans so that her father could get his way. She'd even gone to threaten the Zenin clan once when she was 9. She remembered that incident very well because she got her ass beat for the first time. A man who had no trace of cursed energy almost killed her.

Fushiguro Toji. Megumi's dad.

Megumi didn't know she knew about his dad. Gojo had told her about it when she let slip that aside from Gojo, Toji was the only person she'd ever lost to. Satoru admitted that he almost lost to him too.

While she was reminiscing on less happy times she caught the scent of something familiarly powerful. Sighing she turned to her right and caught sight of thee Gojo Satoru.

He was sitting at a table outside a Cafe. He casually waved at her.

She got caught.

"Are you stalking me?" She called out to him without moving closer.

Losing my mind with you | | Gojo x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat