Cat's out the bag

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Y/n and Gojo sat next to each other under a bus shelter. They were soaking wet thanks to the rain that decided to pour down a few seconds after Gojo started his fight with Y/n's father, Kohta L/n.

The fight didn't last long. Y/n's father quickly warped away (neither she nor Gojo knew he could do that) after threatening to break the news that Y/n L/n was found and that the Tokyo Jujutsu high was hiding her.

This was bad. Not only did it mean it was much easier for Y/n's family to find her and attempt to bring her back. But it also meant Gojo, Yaga and Nanami would be in trouble with the higher ups. A bad relationship with the higher ups was the last thing they needed, considering Itadori staying alive was a bit dependant on it.

Y/n had her head in her hands, she was massaging her temples out of stress. Gojo was unusually quiet, leaning forward and seemingly deep in thought.

"What are we going to do?" Y/n groaned, "I really fucked this up "

"Let's go drink," Satoru finally said.

Y/n snapped her head towards him, "What?"

Gojo stood up, "Just for tonight. It's been a bit rough. We can deal with the consequences tomorrow, okay?".

Y/n followed suit, "Okay."


2am and they were still drinking. Gojo's face was a little flushed and he was talking a little louder than he usually did.

Y/n however was pretty drunk. She'd drank way more than she usually did. And she could handle her alochol quite well. More than the average person. But today she'd deliberately over done it. Her (skin colour) face was darker than usual with a tinge of red . She had a permanent smile plastered on her face.

"This was SUCH A GOOOOOOOOD IDEA!" She yelled hanging onto Gojo's arm. They were sitting at a bar with 42 empty shot glasses, 6 empty long islands (for Y/n) and 6 empty beer bottles (for Gojo) in front of them.

Gojo laughed at her, "Damn, baby. You're drunk as fuck."

Y/n looked up at him, "I kind of like it when you call me that," she murmured with a grin.

Gojo leaned over to kiss her on the forehead, "I'll remind you you said that when you're sober."

"Why aren't you as drunk as me? It's not fair," Y/n whined. While waving at the bartender with the intention to order another drink.

"I have a higher tolerance than you," Gojo replied easily, shaking his head at the bartender to indicate to him that she doesn't need another drink.

"You're better than me at everything," she complained, "I can't even beat you in a lousy fight."

"That's not true," he replied, "You're much better at being empathetic than me. You're good with kids. You're great at hiding your feelings and you make an amazing lasagne."

Y/n laughed at that. "Yeah, you suck at cooking. Remember when you tried to bake a cake for my birthday last year?"

Gojo started laughing too, "Yeah and you tried to pretend it tasted good but you couldn't stop crying and gagging."

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings," she said, reaching up to stroke the side of face.

"When I saw you try your hardest to spare my feelings... I think that's when I really realised how I felt about you..."

She didn't say anything to that. She just smiled up at him, her fingers trailing a soft line on his jaw.

Gojo gently grabbed her hand, bringing to his mouth, "I thought you felt the same way about me," he murmured the words against her hand.

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