the conference

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The Jujustu sorcerer conference was starting today. Gojo had emphasized that he wanted Y/n to look incredible so that 1. He had something to look forward to since the meetings tended to bore him 2. Everyone else was jealous of him and 3. Her father would be pissed to see her doing well.

So she put on a pretty white suit that matched Gojo's and styled her (texture) hair into a pretty sleek hairstyle that was out of her face.

When she stepped out into the living room in a pair of white heels, Gojo stopped buttoning up his shirt and stared at her.

"Y/n, baby... You look fierce," he said as a smile crept onto his face.

Y/n gave him a little spin and fluttered your lashes dramatically at him, "Thank you, Satoru."

"Did I ever mention how much I love it when you say my name?" He purred making his way towards her.

"" she said slowly as he closed the gap between them, a smile growing wider on his face, "ru."

His lips gently pressed against hers. The kiss was simultaneously the most gentle she'd ever had from Gojo but somehow the most intimate.

He pulled away to look into her eyes, their faces still inches apart. His lips were covered in (colour) lipstick.

"I promise," he whispered.

"Promise what?" She asked.

He grinned, "You'll find out soon enough."


She felt uneasy as she and Gojo walked amongst the leaders of the prominent clans in Japan. They were all gathered in a big hall decorated with statues, gold accents and deep red tapestry. He had his arm wrapped around her waist as they walked, a very casual gesture that simultaneously felt protective.

The uneasiness came from the stares and whispers that followed her. It seemed the rumors had spread wide and far. Everyone knew who she was.

"Here's the idiot who ignored my text message," a familiar voice said behind her.

Both Y/n and Gojo turned to see who it was. They were confronted with the sight of a tall man with a lean frame wearing a fitted navy suit. He had Y/n's (e/c) eyes, (skin tone) face and (hair texture) hair which he'd dyed a cool grey.

It was her brother. Akechi.

Gojo loosened his hold on her as if anticipating what was going to happen next. She freed herself from him and jumped into her brothers arms. He spun her around in an embrace.

They were both laughing by the time he put her down.

"I would've come if ghost hair here didn't put me on a tight leash," she joked.

Akechi gave Gojo a grateful smile and spoke quietly, "Gojo-san. I want to thank you for watching out for for sister. I wish I could more openly show my gratitude but you know..."

Akechi wasn't supposed to have been communicating with Y/n or Gojo. As far as anybody knew, he was against them. The hug he'd just given her was a dead give away that he only had good emotions to direct towards his sister, but hopefully nobody had seen (namely, their fsther).

Gojo smiled at him, "Of course, bro-in-law."

Akechi kept smiling but his jaw clenched, "Funny. But she actually has to agree to date you first."

Gojo's smile widened, he wrapped his arm around Y/n's waist and then leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek.

When Y/n didn't move away or slap him, Akechi realised what had happened.

"Oh no," he blurted, "Y/n, seriously? Him?"

She gave him a sheepish grin, "Yeah... I mean, you knew it was gonna happen..."

"I was hoping you'd get over it. You were doing such a great job, too!" He whined while rubbing the top of his head, making a few of his short, grey (curls/strands) stand out at odd angles.

"I'm difficult to get over," Gojo stated as if it were a well-known fact. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

Akechi rolled his eyes, "Please don't have children with him."

Y/n laughed at that. Having children was the last thing on her agenda.

"Kids? Hm, hadn't thought about that..." Gojo pondered aloud.

Y/n was about to ask why he sounded like he was seriously considering it when the room suddenly went silent.

She hadn't even looked to see what had happened before her skin prickled with the presence of a familiar cursed energy scent. No, not scent. Scents.

Her clan walked in with her father leading them. They all looked different, older but she recognized most of them. A few had noticed her and were nudging each other. The clan was a mixture of shocked expressions and furious ones with the occasional fearful ones. Akechi was walking with them, next to their father, Y/n didn't even have time to wonder how he got there so quickly before her father's stare found her.

Her body seemed to react on its own. She tensed and felt her own cursed energy begin to swell.

A few people turned to look at her, most likely feeling her energy building.

Reaching to her energy, Gojo tightened his grip on her waist, pulling her closer, "Relax, baby," Gojo murmured quietly next to her, "Remember nobody will touch you as long as I'm here."

His words seemed to act like a panacea and she relaxed. Her shoulders dropped and she suppressed her cursed energy.

Kohta L/n sneered at her as she scowled at him. Suddenly Y/n was aware of Nanami and Yaga's scents closing in.

"Ah, L/n-san," Yaga's voice said from behind Y/n and Gojo.

He walked past and stood between them and the L/n clan.

"Yaga-san. Good to see you again," her father said insincerely whilst continuing to watch his daughter.

"I see you've taken good care of my child," he drawled.

"Oh. That was mostly Gojo-kun over there," Yaga explained jerking a thumb over his shoulder towards the white-haired man.

Gojo gave a little wave, "Hiya... Pops."

Despite the tense atmosphere, Y/n let out an involuntary chuckle. She wasn't alone as she noticed Akechi cover his mouth and turn his head away to hide his smile and Yaga cough.

L/n-san's fists clenched.

"Didn't your parents teach to respect your elders, boy?" L/n-san growled.

Gojo chuckled.

Y/n recognized the look on her father's face as one that often preceded severe beatings, pumshiments and death.

Years ago she would automatically go into defense mode seeing it. But today Gojo's presence lessened the affect to just a slight tensing of the shoulders. He could probably kill everyone here if he wanted to. Nobody would touch her.

And they didn't. Y/n's clan continued forward past them and down the hall until they disappeared through a door leading to an auditorium where the meeting would take place.

"I hate that I have to rely on you so much," she said through gritted teeth.

Yaga patted her gently on the back, "We'll get you back to your original strength."

"No... I want to be stronger now."

Gojo grinned at her, "That's what I like to hear."

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