Sukuna's vessel 2

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"Happy?" He asked her as she stuffed another eclair into her mouth.

Y/n nodded, "yeah, I think that's enough now."

Gojo watched her finish off the sweet. He was sitting opposite her at a table. He had his leg crossed over the other and had his head resting on his fist, his head tilted a little to the side. He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself.

She noticed him watching and then narrowed her eyes, "what?"

He shook his head.

She leaned back in her seat after wiping her hands on a napkin, "You've been very well-behaved since we got here. Are you okay?"

"Y/n? You want me on my worst behaviour?" He purred, leaning forward, "You just had to say so. There's a lovely hotel just around the-"

She kicked him under the table, trying to mask a giggle.

Gojo leaned back again, "Like, I said earlier I can be a gentleman. I just wanted to spend a nice little 30 mins with you."

Y/n felt another flutter in her tummy. She quickly pushed it aside. She couldn't allow that little flutter to turn into anything else but an occasional occurrence. She cleared her throat and pulled out her phone to check the time.

"Didn't we say we'd check on Megumi?" She asked letting her concern for the teenager overpower whatever it was Gojo was making her feel.

Gojo chuckled quietly to himself watching her act flustered.

Y/n threw him an angry glare.

He stood up, "Alright, Mama Y/n. Let's go check on your baby boy."

"He's more like your child, actually," she muttered standing up as well.


Y/n couldn't believe what she was seeing. She and Gojo were standing atop a building nearby a high-school. The windows and parts of the walls were broken. On the roof, Megumi was getting ready to cast another jutsu. He looked battered. Opposite him was another teenager with pink-ish hair. He was shirtless and looked pretty innocent.

"Oh, there's Megumi," Gojo said cheerfully. It was almost as if he hadn't even taken in the rest of the scene. He then headed towards them, levitating.

Y/n was more interested in the other kid and why it looked like he was pleading with Megumi. However, the thing that struck Y/n the most was the scent in the air. A scent she recognized immediately from about a year ago when she defeated a cursed spirit that had eaten a certain cursed object. The scent immediately sent a chill down her spine.

"Sukuna," she said muttered to herself.

Gojo was already landing next to Megumi. They were talking. He eventually turned to acknowledge the other kid. They spoke a bit and then Gojo threw his bag of sweets at Megumi and began stretching.

Y/n, a little concerned that Gojo was about to fight a highschooler, started to make her way closer to the 3 guys.

Just as she was halfway there, landing on another building closer to the rooftop, she felt a huge surge of cursed energy release. Sukuna.

She looked and saw the pink-haired kid had tattoos all over his body and face now, extra eyes on his face and an overall shift in his aura.

Was this child possessed by Sukuna? She felt herself balling her hands into fists. Witnessing a demon taking over someone's body was resurfacing pain she'd managed to keep under control for a good year and a half.

Sukuna quickly dashed towards Gojo who was still talking to Megumi. Gojo, of course saw it coming.

The fight between the two lasted all of 10 seconds before the kid managed to take back control of his body.

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