Chapter 32: Buried Past.

Start from the beginning

An-ru had looked at all the Professors. "You know me?" He asked.  

"We remember the Lizardfolk. Great wielders of Magic. Though, their numbers in this world are few now." Rackham answered. "I never thought that we would see one here in Great Britain." 

"Like Ssssssean ssssssaid... it issssss a long sssssstory." An-ru replied. 

"We'll have time for a meet and greet later." Sean said. "I bring word and it is not good." He informed. And that shut the Professors up. "The Goblins are looking for another Repository. They've commissioned new Goblin Mechs including large Driller Spider Mechs to help dig." 

"That is most troubling." Fitzgerald replied very serious. 

"We destroyed one of the factories they were building here in the Hogwarts Factory, though it was a close call." Sarah reported. "Are these Repositories like the broken container that Sean and I discovered at Rookwood Castle?" 

"They are." Fitzgerald answered. "I fear we have no time to lose." 

"I agree." Sean agreed. "What is our next move?" 

"Have a look at the map." Fitzgerald requested.

"What map?" An-ru asked.

"The one below your feet, Lizard." Fitzgerald answered. "Fortunately, the next trial is fairly nearby." 

An-ru looked below him. "Oh yeah. The Map is on the floor. Forgot to mention." Sean explained. 

All three had seen the map glow up. With a bright glow appearing in a Great Castle. "Sean... that's... that's Hogwarts." Sarah realized. 

Fitzgerald nodded. "As you know, I was Headmistress in my time. My portrait hangs in the Headmaster's Office. In fact, I witnessed Professor Black learn of your arrival, Mr. Cormag- and I'll confess that I wondered about you." 

"Because of my situation?" Sean asked.

Fitzgerald nodded. "History has ways of repeating itself. I also heard him speak of a Lizard... but at the time I assumed it was a pet of a student of something. I probably should've known that something was off. Based on the way he was speaking of civilizing said Lizard." She answered.  

"Are you telling me that the next trial... is in the Headmaster's Office?" Sean asked.

"I doubt that Black will be receptive." An-ru commented. 

"And in this case, An-ru is correct." Fitzgerald confirmed. "I had hoped that when the time came, the occupant of that office would be of help to us. Unfortunately, this Headmaster seems wildly unconcerned with anything but himself." 

"That's Black for you." Sarah said. 

"Yes. And also... he doesn't want any... and I'm quoting him when I saw this, Mr. Cormag: 'I will  not have a Celt of all things in my office, among my belongings and touching my stuff.'" Fitzgerald added. 

It didn't take a genius to know that Black hated Sean's guts. 

"Great. We're at a dead end." Sarah grumbled. 

"Not necessarily." Sean replied. "I assume that means we're just going to have to access the office while Black is away." 

"Good." Fitzgerald nodded her head. "I shall meet you in my portrait there. Until then." 

"That's going to be easier said than done, Sean." Sarah pointed out. "Headmaster Black doesn't leave his office very often. And even if he does, you still need a password to access the Office." 

"And I assume that only the Headmaster alone knows the Password?" Sean asked. 

"Well, him and Professor Weasley. But, we can't exactly go to her." Sarah answered. 

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