11 - A court battle won??

Start from the beginning

"Harper, it's okay. I know it's hard." Jacob says rubbing my back

"I know, but....but....but she should be here. It's because of all the dam stress Chris caused me during the pregnancy."

"Yeah, and that's why we are going to court today."

"What? What do you mean?"

"It's not a custody battle on our side. It's about making Chris pay for causing you to loose the baby."

I sit there stunned as he drives us to the courthouse.


I walk into the courthouse nervously.

"Harper, everything will be fine. I mean you do have the best lawyer in town defending you."

"Oh, please. Stop flattering yourself. Now I will say you are the best lawyer who is fighting a case over a stillborn child."

"I am pretty great aren't I?"

I lean in and kiss him

"I couldn't tell what the answer was, tell me again."

I kiss him again, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey, ummmm.... Sorry to interrupt but the battle is about to start."

We pull off of each other and I turn to see Chris

"Hey, Chris. It is nice...... It's time to go begin I guess."

"Yeah, where's your lawyer at."

"Right here," I say pointing to Jacob "My fiancé is defending me."

"Are you even aloud to do that?"

"Hey, I can pick whatever lawyer I want"

"Sure," he says turning and walking away while ever so quietly saying "like you could afford one"


"Ms. Lanning, now please come up and give your defense as why the child should remain I custody with you."

I get out of my seat and walk up to the podium, keeping my eye on Chris the entire time I speak.

"It's rather simple, I paid the medical bills during my pregnancy and bought the nursery furniture."

"Your honor. Chris can pay her back for all of those items" Chris' lawyer jumps up (the name of the lawyer is Kristen Denver)

"Please, let Lanning continuer her defense."

"Anyways, I paid out lots of money and even I don't get to enjoy the company of my daughter on a daily basis."

"Mrs Lanning, then what are we doing with this case." Judge Cranes says

"Oh, it wouldn't have been an issue if Chris had waited longer at the cafe when I tried to tell him that our daughter was stillborn"

As I say the words all the color drains from his face.

"And what caused this stillbirth?" Kristen says "I mean. You should pay my client for what he missed. He didn't even know you were pregnant or where you went."

"The stillbirth was caused because of all the stress I had endured due to the divorce. Oh, and he knew I was pregnant. As soon as I found out I went and bought a onesie and put it in a box with an ultrasound picture as well as a card that says "Mommy has a late anniversary present for you" I happened to drop the box when I can home and found him cheating on me. Check his pockets you'll find it. Oh, and he knew exactly where I went, because one of his maids told him. And to say that maid got fired was an understatement, he threw a glass bottle at her and caused her to go blind in one eye, I know this because I was listed as an emergency contact."

"Why empty his pockets?" Kristen says

"Because, he carries around the ultrasound picture and note I gave him. I saw it peeking out of his pocket when we were at the cafe"

"Mr Goldman, please empty all of your pockets." Cranes says

Chris empty a out each pocket and sure enough there is a picture of Kimberly and my note.

"Okay, I have made a decision." Judge cranes says

Jacob and I clutch each other's hands anxious to see what the outcome will be.

"Chris, for lying about not knowing, never trying to find her, and causing the stress by cheating I am ordering you to pay a sum of 3 and a half million dollars to Ms. Lanning. Oh, and as for your maid, what was her name?"

"I can't even remember." He says

"Lisa-Anne, is her name" I speak up

"Thank you Mrs Lanning." Judge Cranes says "For Lisa-Anne you shall repay her for every medical expense she's had because of that, as well as get her a suitable guide dog, and a sum of 1/2 a million dollars. I now call this court session to a close." We all rise and he walks out

"Jacob, I just got 3 1/2 million dollars. We can actually buy a house, and plan a wedding!! Oh, we can go anywhere for our honeymoon!!!" I say enthusiastically "But, I don't feel right about all of this"

"Harper, can I speak to you for a second" Chris says pulling me aside

"Sure. Jacob, I'll be right back."

We walk out of the court room to a smaller more private area and begin to have a little chat......

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