I cant loose her

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I put down my keys in my bag as I sat down in the cab. I looked at the little mirror in the cab. My bruise was gone now but the lip had still a little scar on it. I took up my phone " where are you going ma'am?" The cab driver said with an British accent making me look up " oh time square" I said and he soon began to drive. I looked out of the window as we drove. Looking at everyone and everything i passed by. Seeing people playing with kids,dogs and a partner, making me look down and feeling sadness overwhelm me. It had been two weeks, Tom had just disappeared after that night. He was still in town but he didn't even bother to text or call me making me feel so stupid for letting myself like him so much and even think for a second that he would feel the same.
" where here ma'am" the driver said making me look up fast, not realizing I was here already.

I meet up with Mia who had slept at bills. We sat down on this cute little cafe. The cutes server came up to us. " what would the two of you want?" He said as he had a soft smile on his lips. " I can take an coffee with milk and sugar in it and then... a cupcake" I smile " I will take the same" Mia smiled " alright" he smiled and was about to leave when we got eye contact, I looked away immediately and then at Mia who had leaned over the little round table " he was totally checking you out!" She smiled exited making me smile " are you sure, I mean-" " Lilly stop, get over Tom he's a jerk okay...you have so many other options" she said and leaned back again making me look out of the big window who was right next to our table. " Mia I know but he made me fall for him and I really thought he felt the same, you even told me so but then he just left" I shrugged my shoulders and looked to the side as I saw the same guy coming with two coffees and two chocolate cupcakes.

We was out on this new club. I had on a red silk dress who sat tight around my curvs. I was dancing with Mia, booth of us laughing at each others silly moves until I stopped as I saw bill tone up behind her, letting his hands snake around her waist and pulling Mia close to him. I smiled, I was happy for Mia, that she finally had found someone who treated her good. I froze as i as well felt two pair of strong hands on my hips. I sighed and turned to see those dark eyes. I backed away, " ur unbelievable" I mumbled under my breath as I walked away from him and. Out of the club, having to take a deep breath of the cold night in. " Lilly what's wrong?" He soon came after me. I shook my head not wanting to turn around to him so he soon came up in front of me. " Lilly" he said making me feel that overwhelming feeling of sadness once more as I closed my eyes hard. " what's wrong Lilly?" He asked  as his hand tilted up my chin so I would look at him as I felt a single tear run down my cheek. " you just left me... you made me fall for you and made me believe you feel the same but when I woke up you where gone and acted like I didn't exist" I open my red eyes to look at his, seeing how his eyes had dropped to the ground. " Lilly please don't-" he mumbled
"What tom what? What is it you don't want me to do?!" I let's out with and high voice as tears began to escape my eyes " I'm not good for you Lilly, I don't want to feel what I feel for you" he let's out making me just look at him.
I shook a my head before turning around and begging to walk away from him.
He followed, calling my name soft at fist until it got more annoyed and his voice got harder. I stopped as he had raised his voice. " Lilly don't walk away from me" he had now catched up with me. " either you tell me how you feel for me or you'll never see me again Tom because I can't keep doing this over and over again" I feel my voice break in the middle of the sentence. " I-I really thought-" "Lilly stop" he made me stop talking and making me look into his sad eyes

I could hear how her voice broke when she talked, her eyes eyes got filled with tears. I felt my heart break as I told her I didn't want to feel what I felt or be with her. I wanted her so badly, my body craved her touch. But I wasn't good for her, everyone knew it. " Lilly stop" I said making her look into my eyes with her green beautiful eyes who was filled with tears. " Lilly I won't be with you, never" I said and I could see how this crushed her. Her eyes dropped to the ground slowly, I could see how she just gave up. I knew this was probably the last time I would've ever speak with her again so I turned my back to her and walked back into the club. I could hear het cries from behind me making me close my eyes hard because it broke me to see her sad.

I walked up to bill, he could see something was wrong " hey what's wrong?" He asked making me sigh " it's Lilly...this is probably the last time I'll ever see her bill" I mumbled making him get a sad face " why didn't you just tell her of you feel for her Tom?" He asked " because you and me booth know I'm not good for her, we all know how I get, what I can do and after everything she have been through I can't be with her, she deserves someone better" I pulled away my shoulder from bills hand who was resting on it.

It was late, it was just me,bill, Georg and gustav here ass Mia had went home. She called bill making him answer. His face dropped fast and he immediately looked at me, " Mia calm down" I could hear him say over the music. " okay Im in my way" he said and hung up making me look at him with confusion all over my face. " what's going on?" I asked as he hurried to get his jacket and things " it's Lilly, she's at the hospital" he said with stress as Lilly and bill was good friends now. " what?!" I let out with wide eyes " I'm coming with you" I said and followed him out.

We took separate cars to the hospital, i speeded fast as my only thought was about Lilly. I can't loose her

Poisonous love// tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now