006. "is it a kinky thing?"

Start from the beginning

"Well, he's got us by the short and curlies. What else are we supposed to do?" Sam asks.

"It's just-- you know, man, I... I'm working for a demon now. I don't even know who you are. I just... I just need a second to adjust." Dean says.

"Look... this is a shitty situation. I get it. But, Dean, I am still me -- same melon, same memories. I-I still like the same music. I still think about Suzie Heizer." Sam says.

"Biology class Suzie Heizer?" Dean asks.

"Can you blame me?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, no, that makes me feel great." Miranda grumbles under her breath.

"Look, I know you don't trust me. Neither of you do. And I can't take back what I did. But I'm going to prove it to you. I'm still your brother." Sam says.


Dean is tosses his phone onto the table and goes to get some coffee. His phone rings and he answers it.

"Hey." Dean says, putting it on speaker.

"Hey, man, it's me." Sam says.

"Well, I got bupkis here." Dean says.

"I definitely got something. It ain't a werewolf, for one." Sam says.

"Yeah, what is it?" Dean asks.


"A skinwalker? As in..."

"As in, the family dog seriously needs a neuter."

"Wow. I haven't heard of a skinwalker in years. I'm actually a little rusty on the profile." Dean grabs John's journal.

"You and me both. Uh, I just got the low down from Bobby. They can change anywhere, anytime. Skinwalkers infect you with a single bite. Otherwise, they're basically a werewolf cousin -- silver will drop 'em, they chow hearts like sausages."

"So what happened? Did you catch him?"

"Not exactly. But I have an idea where he might be."


Lucky, in man form, is tied to a chair in their motel room.

"Well, I got to tell you. Lucky, you got us stumped. I mean, why shack up with the family? Is it a kinky thing? Do you like to play with your food? Roll over, Lucky. Speak." Sam says.

"Go to Hell." Lucky sneers.

"Already been. Didn't agree with me." Sam says. "So, look..." Sam gets up and picks a knife up from the dresser. "...how about I take this silver knife, and start carving some dog until you behave?"

"You do what you got to do." Lucky says. Sam walks up to him, but Dean holds out a hand to stop him.

"Hang on, Sam." Dean says. "Listen, you don't have to tell me why you're with the family. I get it." Dean tells Lucky.

"Oh, you do, do you?" Lucky asks.

"You killed every threat that came near them. You care about them in your own whack-a-doodle kind of way. It's obvious. What I want to know is, who was that guy you were kibitzing with? He a skinwalker, too?" Dean asks.

"Look, I can't say anything." Lucky says.

"But if you don't, then you're gonna put the girl and the little boy in danger. And sooner or later, all this shit is gonna come for them. Now, look, we don't give a rat's ass about you." Dean says, standing up. "We want to help them. That's our angle. That's it."

Lucky considers for a moment.

"Yeah, that guy, he's a... whatever it is I am. And he's not the only one." Lucky says.

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