Verse Sleepwalking, Part Two

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Vines droop from above, the jungle seems to last for ages. Among all the plants in this unknown environment, a lone plant holds the key to ending this dilemma. But what of the guardian who protects it? What story can be found in this new world? And why... why does this guardian look so familiar? Next time, on Digimon Ghost Game! Intruding Up the Wrong Tree!

* GGS2-3 Ver * 

"We're DOOMED!!!!!!" 


Mei facepalmed at the two. "Why do I put up with them?"

"I wonder that every day," Haneul drily answered while drinking from their canteen. "Not that I don't see why he thinks that way. We're stranded in a different world, with our only way of getting back in the hands of a sleepwalking Solisamon, who literally is now Asitamon."

"That isn't wrong, but you don't have to be so harsh!" Ruri protested. 

Haneul sighed. "I'm not being harsh. I'm just stating the facts."

"They're right. This is a pretty bad situation we're in," Mei backed them up.

"She's just a kid! Why are all of you such jerks to her?!" She snapped. "Even you, Meichi!"

"Ruri, calm do-"

"No! They're all being mean to her! Gulus, don't you agree?!"

"Huh? Oh, erm, yeah..." He didn't sound like he was paying attention. Like, at all.

"What's on your mind?" Shiramon asked the Dark Conquerer, surprised by how out of it he was.

"I'm just worried, I suppose," He answered. "I don't think she's ever done this before."

"But you wouldn't remember, right? Cause Gammamon and Solisamon get reborn in cycle after cycle?" Hiro joined the discussion, remembering what Quantumon and Baalmon had told them.

"Yeah, that's the weird part, though. What kind of forces are at play here? It's almost like, she's... like she..." 

Sounds of Asitamon getting up from sleeping on a nearby rock caught their attention and ended that conversation. For a minute, they dared to hope that Solisamon was awake, that she was going to be fine...

Only to freeze when they realised she had devolved back into Solisamon, her eyes were still closed, and...

And she had opened a portal. Right under them.

None of them had time to scream before they fell smack dab into the vortex, with it closing up as if they were never there...

The wind slapped them on the face as they freefell from above. Hiro could barely make out green vegetation in front of them, so he yelled, "Gammamon, we need Ka-"

Of course, Hiro was no good at math. He could barely count 6 * 3.

So of course he would underestimate the distance, proven when they proceeded to land on the ground after being all but brutalised by the leaves and branches. Mei and Ruri had been saved due to Angoramon hugging them while Shiramon's instincts had kicked in, saving her from falling. Gammamon and Jellymon were also able to float/fly, so they descended well. 

Not so much for the Digimon and the other humans.


"Friend get off!!"

"Ahhh, I'm sorry Pumpmon!"

"For the love of Digizoid, WHY AM I AT THE BOTTOM?!"

"****ING **** THIS IS ****!" One guess as to who that was.

Requested Stories, Book Two [ONLY REQUEST IF WILLING TO WAIT]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant