A Sinful Reminder, Part One: Past Pains Relived

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What if one day, your friend just... Disappeared? How would you react? And what if when you see them again... They're no longer themselves? What happened to them? Can you reverse the changes? What if.... A human had done this to them? Would you be able to handle knowing how cruel humanity is? Would you be able to live with yourself if you had to make a tough decision? Perhaps the answers lie... in A Sinful Reminder.

Being back felt awesome to Shiramon. Sure she had died to save the world from the Sin Code within her, and sure she had remembered the darker memories first before the lighter ones, but now she was no longer chained by the strains HE had placed on her. What used to be HIS partner, a Labramon, had been altered but the modifications had led, one way or another, to the safety of the world.

Looking up towards the sky, the wolf assassin Digimon could only smile while basking in the sunlight. Nearby, she could hear her partner, Hoshi Mei, packing up some clothes and other necessities she needed when she went to New York. Shiramon had been there before her sacrifice, and while she honestly had wanted to go, Mei had shot down the idea faster than a roadrunner. "You're still healing emotionally, remember?" She pointed out. "Plus, three weeks isn't a long time."

"Yeah I know, but still..."

"Hey, the others will definitely take good care of you," The brown-haired female smiled as she patted her head slightly. Surely a difference from when she had first revealed herself to her in that church; cold, indifferent, focused on getting revenge on the Digimon that had taken her brothers that fateful day, nursing a hatred to those who tried to befriend Digimon like Hiro, Ruri and Kiyoshiro. Shiramon was so grateful that they had helped her during the Envy arc. It allowed her to open up and heal the scars that had long festered. "Don't worry about it."

"I guess," she finally smiled at her. "Alright, stay safe."

"You too," Mei chuckled as she grabbed her suitcase and wheeled it out of her room. Shiramon followed to see the others there too, all waiting to say their goodbyes and see you soons.

"Stay safe kiddo," Akashiro Ismaya ruffled her hair while his gender fluid child, albeit adopted, agreed, "Don't do anything stupid."

"That's your thing, Taiyou," Mei teased him, making him sputter with a red face.

Hiro gave her a hug and said, "Have fun okay?"

"We'll take good care of Shiramon! Don't you worry about it!" Ruri agreed.

"Indeed, we won't let you down!" Kiyoshiro reassured her.

"Thanks you guys," Mei gave them a smile, a genuine one before she was then tackled to the ground by the 40-ish slim- I mean, baby Digimon as they wished her a safe journey. Some were crying and asking her not to go, while others were just chill with it. It just showed that each of the babies Shiramon had adopted over the course of time were unique and it was wonderful.

The others could only chuckle before Ismaya slung his bag over his shoulder and said, "Come on, I have to drop you off before I head out of town for some clues on Hokuto's disappearance."

"Let's go then," Mei smiled, waving at the others as the two exited the door of their shared apartment, with the others watching.

"Okay, so we all agreed that she's staying with Hiro, then Ruri and then Kiyoshiro?" Taiyou asked the kids.

"Yep!" Hiro nodded.

"Totally!" Ruri grinned.

"We will do our best to protect her!" Kiyoshiro placed a hand over his heart solemnly, unaware of just how much foreshadowing had been done...

2 days afterwards, Shiramon and her husband Angoramon were headed for their Digimon meeting. The two had been prominent members during the Sin arcs, although during the final arc Shiramon had been taken over by WrathIramon, her other side who she had taken to calling her sister, much to the other's slight embarrassment. While she still refused to admit anything about her feelings for the others, Shiramon had a gut feeling that she was getting more comfortable with them.

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