Please Help Me Take Care of Him, Taeyang, Day 6/8

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"You shouldn't be out of the hospital this fast." 

"I could say the same to you." 

The two stared at each other for a good minute before they looked away, red cheeks clear on their faces as they walked back to the Oh household, though Taeyang's steps were slower than usual. 

Urgh, even though I told him to take it easy... Pilseung grumbled inwardly. No wonder the Tobots complained a lot about him... He's stubborn. Like, really stubborn.

"Hey there!" a familiar voice called out, making them turn to see Ultra Commander driving up to them. "Need a ride?" 

"That would be nice," Pilseung agreed immediately, and he pressed some buttons on his Galaxy Weapon to beam them in.

Once they were inside him, Ultra Commander started the journey back to the house, leaving the two in awkward silence. 

What could he say? What SHOULD he say? He had only just realised his crush on the other the day before. How would he even phrase it, when he knew that Taeyang was probably straight? 

He was totally screwed...

"-seung, Pilseung!" 

He snapped out of his trance and turned his body over, trying not to wince as he asked, "Yeah?" 

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm cool," he waved it off quickly. Maybe a bit too quickly, if the narrowing of Taeyang's eyes showed anything. "A-Anyway, once we get back, you're going to take a long nap, and I mean it, Taeyang." 

"S-Sure...?" Taeyang hesitantly said. 

The rest of the journey passed by, and they soon arrived at the home, where Pilseung led Taeyang to his and Pada's room. 

"Wait, is this okay?" Taeyang looked worried. Typical Taeyang, always worried for someone...

He hid the smile on his face and said, "It's fine, really. I already asked for permission from Pada."

"Woah... T-Thanks," Taeyang gave him a smile in reply, and Pilseung helped him take off his jacket before he helped Taeyang to the lower bunk while trying to keep his cool. He was not going to lose his mind. If he did, who knew what Taeyang would think!? 

As Taeyang settled into the bed, Pilseung turned around and was about to leave when Taeyang's hand grabbed his wrist. 

He turned, and Taeyang blushed, but stammered, "C-Can you sleep by my side tonight?... I-I'm worried about nightmares." 

"Regarding what happened the day before yesterday?" 


His heart broke into two seeing Taeyang so quiet, so broken, so sad... so... distant. He was supposed to be the sun; bright, happy, optimistic.

Then again, the sun was always lonely, he suddenly realised. It stood at the center of the solar system, pulling people in, but there were boundaries, they couldn't come too near without getting burnt.

It must have been so hard for you, Taeyang...

At that moment, he decided that he was going to be Taeyang's support. The person in who he could find hope in. Like the moon that siphons the dangerous UV rays the sun creates and turns them into harmless rays of light, reflecting only a part of the sun's full light, he would reflect the hope Taeyang had given him the day he stood up to Jeon Ilra. He would stand by Taeyang's side, no matter what. 

With that in mind, he felt the fire in his heart rekindle itself and form into a warm flame, a warm hearth for Taeyang, who was tired of life itself, whose heart had frozen over due to the bullying. 

No matter how long it took, he would thaw the ice patiently, waiting for Taeyang.

Without a single word, he took off his gloves before shedding his jacket and heading to the closet to change into a simple white shirt. After returning, he gently nudged Taeyang closer to the wall, and once they were snugly facing each other on the bed, his hand moved to hold Taeyang's, causing the brunette's face to flare up, but he didn't shy away from it. 

Instead, the two fell asleep like that. 

Judging by how he woke up to Taeyang blushing as he waited for Pilseung to wake up, he had a feeling that it had helped, somehow. 

But it also led another realization to the table;

Kang Taeyang isn't straight, is he?

At the moment, relief was the only emotion he could identify in the tornado that began to grow in his heart. 

tuanhmyy294 And this is pure fluff. Do comment on what you think so far, though.

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