Earning Her Trust, Part Two

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Another goal! Duri high-fived his teammates with a grin while nearby, Tritan watched proudly. He was doing so so well! She couldn't wait to congratulate him! Sure, the others had seemed scared of her, but she could always swat those silly people away and protect her children from them!

Hm, what should she do now? Maybe she should visit Hana or Semo? Ooh, she could maybe check on Dingyo too! 

A grin formed on her face as she began slithering away, unaware of the truck that was slowly following her from behind. 

Limo was on Zero, looking around the city with a frown. "Hey, you see her anywhere?"

"I do not." There was a touch of concern in the Tobot's tone. "Limo, those sightings... I sincerely hope no one gets any horrible ideas..."

"I agree there. Let's hurry and find her before..." he didn't even want to think about the ending of his sentence. He shook his head violently. "No. Things won't end badly. I won't let it happen."

He had messed up already, he wasn't about to let it happen agai- Hang on, was that a truck? It looked... a bit too familiar...! 

His eyes widened. Of all the people...! "Zero, follow that truck in front of us!" 

"Why?" the Tobot inquired, a bit confused by the sudden franticness in his tone. 

"It's... it's an old Boorong Motors truck! I don't know who could be behind this, but what I do know is that it definitely isn't up to any good!" he answered, a curse threatening to burst from his lips. He really should have realised that Tritan would seem like a potential weapon to evil minds... ! He refused to let her be taken and treated horribly as he had before!!!

"Understood!" Zero didn't hesitate to step on the pedal, allowing the two to speed up while sliding into cracks in the traffic from time to time. The highway was definitely bigger than he expected and he was grateful for that, really. Otherwise he would have lost the truck's trail a long time ago...

But it was only after sliding over to another lane beside the truck that he could see their target...

Tritan, snaking along a highway as if she were a normal car...

"We need to cut them off," he told Zero. "Scare them off somehow, but how?"

"We must tell Tritan of the danger, although..." Right, there was THAT problem... Plus, she would think HE was the one behind the kidnapping. 

He groaned under his breath. This was bad. Like, really, really, bad... Should he call for backup? No, that wouldn't work. They had relocated to the countryside. There was no way they could arrive on time...! 

He had to convince her, then. He had to convince her somehow that she was being hunted and that the Boorong Motors truck, no, that he wasn't the same guy he was a long time ago... 

He bit his lip, uncertainty coursing through him now. Would he be able to do this? He knew that Tritan still didn't trust him but... 

"Limo, focus. The kids will be sad if you don't do this." There was... urgency in his tone, Limo noted, and it did pull him back to the present. 

He took in a deep breath. "You're right. It's now or never isn't it?"

"You can do this." Even if it was blank, he could sense the sincerity in the Tobot's words, and it did make him feel better.

"Thank you." He was going to need it, but... it was nice to know that someone had his back here. "Get me closer to her then."

"Of course!" Zero stepped on it, and soon they were side by side as Limo pulled the window down.

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