Experiment, Chapter Three: Darkness has Arrived *Badgerclops*

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"Are you the one who did this to Cy?!" Badgerclops scowled angrily at the hooded figure.

"What about it? Butt out of this, hero," The figure snarled. 

"I will not! Not after what you did!" He argued. "Stay away from Cyber!"

"Shut up!" The figure growled. "I spent ages getting CY133R to this level, and I will not have it wasted because you decided to interfere like this!" 

"He never asked for it!" Badgerclops hissed, stepping in front of Cyber with the burning embers of anger clear in his orbs. "I don't care who you are, but you better stay away from Cyber or you're in for a fight!" 

"Fine! You asked for it! Darkness Blast!" they sent a blast his way, and he barely managed to dodge as the ground it had hit shriveled up. 

That was a close one! He needed backup quickly!

Cyber looked concerned for him as he ran over, "You okay!?" 

"I-I'm good," he got back up. "Woah they're really strong."

Cyber went quiet for a while but soon he spoke up, "Name is Darkness... God."

God? What did he mean by that? There was no way this crazy person was one!

Cyber was shaking his head frantically, "No fight... People hurt... You get hurt... I no want." 

BC's heart melted slightly, but frowned as he remembered how Cyber had been before he intervened, "No way, I can't let that person have you!" 

No matter what, he had to stand his ground, keeping Cyber safe from this person and waiting for backup. 

"It's mine, badger!" they snarled. "Give me back what belongs to me or you'll pay for it! Corrupted Tornado!" 

Badgerclops gaped at the huge tornado Darkness had made, bursting and teeming with bad energy. 

Darkness chuckled, the hood falling off to reveal a long-haired female with a sneer on her face as she watched the chaos begin to hit Pure Heart Valley, making screams of fear echo as the Sweetiepies ran away from the tornado that threatened to take their lives. 

Not all of them were fast enough, though, and Ol Blue tripped as the tornado grew closer... and closer... 

He was too far off, he couldn't reach him in time. 

"NO!!!" Two different screams from 2 different people echoed out, and Badgerclops covered his eye, unable to watch the scene. 

Was this it? Was this truly the end of Ol Blue? 

I know this is very short, but trust me, I'm trying- I do hope you like it though! 

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