Something's Wrong, Part One: His Decision

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"What do we do now?..."

I wish I knew, Venom answered Peter as the brown-haired male looked out onto the city from a tall building, having taken off his mask so he could breathe. What... what happened back there?

"Could it have been influenced by emotions?" Peter theorised. "I was feeling... angry at the time." 

Maybe, the Symbiote said. But we might never know.

"Urgh, what do we do now then?" he asked. "It's not like we can do anything major anymore. Not when I can go loco like that." 

Hm... Then maybe you should stick to small fry, for now, Venom offered. It'll probably take some time to adjust to it, but you should try to practice more with this suit and work with me. We have to figure this out before we do anything threatening.

"Good idea," Peter agreed, and he sighed as he lied down on the roof of the building, looking up to the night sky. 

One thought crossed his mind like a shooting star but never left. 

What is happening to me?...

Peter Parker rarely hesitated. It was a known fact that he preferred jumping into situations and fighting to the best of his ability, but right now... after what he did... to his friend-turned-enemy...

The seeds of doubt that had been planted there for ages began to grow, and Peter worried if his powers were going to get someone killed. 

Venom's right, he reflected. It's best to stick to being a neighborhood-friendly Spiderman for now until we understand what happened back there.

With that decision made, he took out his phone and texted Mr. Stark. 

Hey, I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but I'm going to focus on caring for my neighborhood for a few weeks, okay? Thanks for everything! Will talk to you once I'm ready! - Peter Parker

He got a reply almost instantly. 

Course you can. Just be careful. I saw the news. If you need help, you can call me, okay? Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. It's very crucial for you to know that. 

Peter laughed slightly, and texted a reply. 

Okay, Mr. Stark! Thanks again!

No problem kiddo. Stay safe. 

Kind and caring Mr. Stark. He never questioned it and always tried to support him. He really was happy that he had someone like him around. 

Putting his phone into his pocket, Peter sighed and looked back up again, running his fingers through his hair. 

He stayed there for a while to embrace the rare tranquility he didn't usually get in his life. 

XenoSaiyan first part's done! Hope you like it!

Requested Stories, Book Two [ONLY REQUEST IF WILLING TO WAIT]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora