Facing the Past, On(c)e (and) For All, Chapter Two: I Have True Friends

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Warning: A bit of cursing is present.

Kenzo had meant it when he said that he wanted to cut all ties with his past and that he wanted to stop his father's reign of terror. 

But right now, he was in horrible shape. Blood was flowing freely out of his many wounds, and bruises were beginning to show all over.

His father was angry, yes, and Kenzo had expected that.

He hadn't expected his father to be so strong after all those years. 

"Where did all your bravado go son?" he taunted as he punched Kenzo into a wall, creating yet another crater as civilians ran away from the chaos, screaming in fear. 

Kenzo tried to push himself off, ignoring the sounds of broken bones, but his father was faster and punched him again, sending him through three walls before he collapsed on the ground, coughing out blood as the metallic taste in his mouth made him feel sick. 

His father then walked over and picked him up by the scruff of his shirt, and smirked as he watched Kenzo choke and squirm, "Don't you see now son? It's useless. Even with all the stupid restraining orders, you're MY son." 

His vision was getting blurry, and he could feel his body dying bit by bit. 

He shouldn't have gone to fight him alone when the threat letter came in. He should have listened to Izuku, who had told him that he couldn't fight alone. He should have listened to BAKUGOU, who had said the SAME thing. 

But the facts were that he didn't, and he would pay the ultimate price for it.

"You're my flesh and blood, and so you have no right to say no to me." 

I'm so sorry guys...

"Now, let us go home--" 

He was cut off by a familiar shout of "AP Shot!", which struck only him and sent him back flying, releasing Kenzo and dropping him to the ground as he coughed again, vision getting slightly clearer. 

"Kenzo, kero!" a familiar scent entered his nostrils, and even in his bleary state, he could see his girlfriend hoisting him up, a relieved smile on her face. "Are you okay kero?"

"You look like sh*t," Bakugou Katsuki scoffed as he and Midoriya Izuku landed with the rest of his classmates, forming a shield against his father, but he smiled and told him, "You should have asked for help, idiot." 

"G-Guys..." his eyes widened.

"We won't let you fight alone!" Ashido Mina told him, a serious look on her face. "You're one of us, and we won't let you go!" 

"That's right!" Yaoyorozu Momo nodded, determination in her eyes as she said, "You are a member of UA's Class 1A! Wear that with pride!" 

"Don't give up, kero," Tsuyu Asui grinned at him. "Let's beat this guy together, kero." 

"Everyone..." he wiped some tears away from his face. They were right. He wasn't alone. 

He had friends now. 

He had TRUE friends, who would have his back no matter what. 

Each classmate was a member of the infamous Class 1A, and Kenzo was part of that group. 

Trouble always found them, no matter where they went. 

But they had always faced the threat together. This time was no different. 

They would emerge victorious, because they were comrades, friends, classmates. 

And that was enough to fuel him as he finally righted himself and stepped forward, his fists glowing once more, as he said, "Thanks, guys... Let's do this! PLUS ULTRA!" 


With that, all the members of the class surged forward, ready to fight. 

Even with his Quirk, Kenzo could see his father was waning. Fighting him had taken strength. It had sapped power he would have needed to go against the full force of Class 1A, and thus couldn't fight back. 

Every punch, every kick, it felt like they were going easy like they were saving the best for last. 

They wanted him to land the final blow, he realised. 

And it was proven when Bakugou punched him, and then stopped and walked back as Tsuyu smiled and gestured for him to step forward. 

Kenzo inhaled deeply, and closed his eyes, but he took the first step. 

And each step brought him closer to his past, to the pain and suffering he had endured. 

But as he stood, facing the person who had caused him all that for his own selfish feelings, he felt no fear. 

He felt determination. 

Pulling his glowing fists back, he inhaled, and punched him hard in the stomach, sending him back to the wall before he rushed forward and gave him a hard uppercut, causing him to cough out blood. 

"I'm never going back to the darkness. I was brought out to the light, and I like it here. I won't follow what you want anymore. I'm going to be a hero, and nothing will stop me. Especially you," he said firmly. 

Then he turned around and took Tsuyu's hand, smiling, "Let's go guys."

As the police arrived, Kenzo never looked back. Instead, he gripped his girlfriend's hand and told the small kid inside, who had been hurt too many times, "It's okay, he's gone for good now. He won't hurt us anymore."

And the small child that was him a long time ago cried tears of joy and happiness and relief. 

That everything was okay now. 

OcarinaDude13 And that wraps it up! I hope you liked it!

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