Experiment, Chapter Two: Who Are You? *Snugglemagne*

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A soft groan woke Snugglemagne up from his fitful dream of the lab, making him shoot up as he noticed the wolf stir at long last. 

Startling forest green and ocean blue eyes met his own orbs, and he was stunned once more. This wolf was beautiful, and the shade of its irises made it look truly gorgeous. 

"Grrrr?" it looked at him, eyes narrowed. 

"Greetings," he spoke up, trying to push down the fear in his throat due to the sheer intensity the world was giving him. "I am King Snugglemagne the-"

"GRRRRRR!!!!" It snarled before it lunged for him, tackling him to the ground.

"W-WHAT THE!?" he struggled to get it off him. Its claws were razor-sharp, digging past the fur to draw blood from his skin, and he flinched hard. It hurt so much! 

"GRRRRR!" it repeated, allowing its orbs to cut deep into his soul with how... with how confused they were. 

Snugglemagne felt his heart melt slightly. It seemed so... lost... What had it gone through in that place?

Without thinking, the king placed a tentative yet gentle paw on its face, "It's okay... I do not want to hurt you."

"Grrrrr?"  it tilted its head slightly. 

"Do not worry. I will take care of you," he promised. 

"Grrrr..." it seemed a bit satisfied as it recognised the determined look in his eyes. 

"Good," he smiled. "I am King Snugglemagne of Pure Heart Valley, and it-"

He faltered as he saw that it had noticed a picture of the Sheriff Department, freezing up before its pupils dilated in anger out of nowhere. 

What was this feeling? This... hatred? 

"Hey, are you okay?"

"GRRRRRR!" it snarled, eyes narrowed at him once more. It didn't understand the whirlpool of emotions overtaking it. It didn't make sense whatsoever. 

Please let it finally make sense....

Snugglemagne felt fear coil around his neck, restricting him from any extra breath he would need to calm down. He knew he had to but he couldn't it was too hard everything felt painful-

He willed himself to calm down. He couldn't lose his calm now. He was King Snugglemagne of the 25th, and he was not about to let anyone toss him around like this! He was NOT weak! 

"I must ask that you calm down and use your words," he spoke, trying to sound persuasive instead of harsh. "You are not a savant, are you? So calm down and speak instead of attacking innocent people!" 

Here, it stopped, claws millimeters away from his face, as something shifted in its eyes. Something was changing within the wolf's mind, but what? He couldn't understand the look in its eyes. What was it?....

".... Ry..." 


"So... rry...." the wolf repeated quietly. It seemed to be struggling an awful lot with saying that, though he couldn't tell if it was speaking or saying the word that was so hard for it. 

Either way, he couldn't leave it hanging, "It is okay. You are not used to any of this, so I will not judge."

At that, the wolf looked at him, surprise written on its gentle features, but used a sincere tone as it said, "T-Thank.... you....."

Snugglemagne gave a bow, "It is no problem, for serving a beautiful person as yourself is an honour." 

Here it blushed hard, and stammered slightly, "B-Beau...ti...ful?..." 

"Are you not as stunning as the night?" he asked the wolf. 

Its eyes widened, "H-How... you... know... name...?" 

"Your name?" the king repeated, surprised as well. He had said its name?

"N-Night..." it hurried to supply upon seeing the confuddled look he was giving it. "Name is ... Night." 

"Night... What a beautiful name for a wonderfully stunning person."

 At that, it blushed, but said, "W-Woman." 

Snugglemagne blushed as well, "I-I see. I do apologise for not realising sooner."

"I-Is okay," she reassured him, face now completely red. "H-Hi." 

"H-Hi back," he weakly answered, stunned by her beauty. 

Indeed, this conversation, awkward as it started, was to be the first of many to come over the days as the two began to spend time together. As they worked together in many ways, their hearts began to link, and the bond they forged was strengthened. 

But would it stand the test of Night's past, fractured as it was? Who was the scientist who did all of this to her? 

Snugglemagne's silent question would be answered a few weeks later with a loud scream of "GIVE ME BACK N0CH3!" 

Because Darkness was not done with her experiments and she was sick of all her experiments failing. She was not about to let a cowardly lion ruin everything. She had worked too hard for this!

Would their bond last?

That is a question which is to be answered next time. 

venusaura Finally! It's short but what do you think?

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