Hidden Family Secrets & Quiet Doubts, Part Two

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Sly couldn't believe his ears. He had a brother? This person, was his brother?

There was no way. He refused to believe in that, "You're lying!"

Reaper rose an eyebrow, "You don't believe me? I expected that, so I prepared.... Evidence."

"Evidence?" Sly repeated, but then gasped as the red-eyed cat produced a worn and torn picture, showing his parents, him as a baby, and....

A 3-year-old boy who had red eyes, a huge smile, and wore a red hoodie just like the person in front of him was.

They looked similar.

No way. It couldn't be it was true?....

"Now do you believe me, brother dearest?" Reaper seemed amused at Sly's pale face, dread and realisation settling at the bottom of his stomach.

Why hadn't his parents told him about this? Why had they lied to him?

"Well it doesn't matter anymore," Reaper then tore it up again, a smirk on his face. "I've long disowned them as 'parents'. Ought to be ashamed, those pathetic no good excuses. I don't care what happens to them anyway. My business is with you, Sly."

"H-Huh?" Sly looked up to him in confusion. What did he want with him?

"You took everything from me, so right now, I'm taking my sweet, sweet revenge," Reaper got his weapons out, the chain blades glowing menacingly under the dim lighting. "You're about to die, Sly. Say your last words beforehand."

Fear then gripped Sly. No no no he couldn't... He was about to die? To his own BROTHER? What had he even done?! He didn't know anything about it!!

"Bye~ Bye~" Reaper smirked as he held the blades above his head, ready to swing them downwards-

"YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND MANGY CAT!!" A familiar voice cut through.

The next thing he knew, Reaper was kicked away from his position, but he landed on his feet with a scowl on his face, "You!!"

"Tanya!!" Sly couldn't help the rush of relief that coursed through his veins despite the hesitation clear in his mind. The information he had just been given still echoed in his mind brutally and without care of his swirling emotions.

"Tanya Keys, at your service," She mock bowed before her eyes narrowed, "Now leave Sly alone! Or I'll make you!"

"I will not lose to a stupid raccoon!" He snarled and rushed at her, only for Tanya to kick him square on the stomach and then punch him on the face as she yelled, "I'M A TANUKI YOU BOZO!!"

Reaper was sent flying to the wall, flinching hard at the injuries he had sustained from the attacks. This wouldn't do. He had to retreat!

"You will taste defeat, Sly! I swear on it!" He yelled before he jumped out of the window and sprinted away.

Tanya scowled at this, but remembered that Sly was more important so she rushed to him and quickly untied his ropes, hugging him out of relief, "Sly!"

Sly was still shocked over this reveal. What... What did this mean for him now?

How would he move forward, knowing he had wrecked someone's life without his knowledge?

Could he.... Could he even be called a hero after this?

Alright done!! What do you think? OcarinaDude13

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