Please Help Me Take Care of Him, Taeyang, Day 8/8

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Pilseung felt that the hugs his mom, Pada and Pori gave him when he and Taeyang came out to greet them before Taeyang left were overkill. He was actually pretty confident that if he hadn't been stopped, Pada would have choked him a long time ago. 

"And Taeyang, you're fine, right?" his mom then turned to the Nav City native. 

Taeyang nodded, "They're minor injuries, honestly. I'll take the medicine for a few days until it subsides. Gosh, I'm glad it's summer vacation alright." 

"Same here," Pilseung agreed. 

"But thanks for coming over to help my brother, Taeyang," Pada smiled at the brunette. "If you hadn't... I'm sure Pilseung would have probably been bullied without us realising it." 

"He stole my phone!" Pilseung threw his hands into the air, looking (at least, he hoped he was) very pouty as he said this. 

"For a good cause," Taeyang stuck his tongue out playfully at him. 

"You have no right, Kang Taeyang. Rosie is already aware of your own bullying, so whoops! I guess I got my revenge~" Pilseung smirked at the betrayed look the other shot him. 

"Pilseung!!!!" he moaned. "Now Rosie will never leave me alone!!! Neither will Gyeongpo, Jihae, Jiuk and Namhui."

"That's the purpose, you moron," Pilseung laughed. 

"Tch, I will get back at you for this. I promise you that, Oh Pilseung!" 

"Try me!" 

Pada, Pori and Hera could only watch this scene with happiness as they shared a smile of relief.

Relief that at long last, the two were finally finding hope again. 

Taeyang then adjusted the strap of his backpack, and said, "But I have to go now. My mom and dad are expecting me back home to babysit Soli." 

"Alright then. Stay safe Taeyang," Pilseung gave him a soft smile, surprising his family. 

"Same to you, Pilseung," Taeyang grinned back, eyes bright and warm. "Emoji battle tonight?" 

"Oh it is ON!" 

The two burst out laughing before Taeyang waved as he walked away, leaving the Oh household behind him. He was ready to take on anything now, because he now had Pilseung by his side. The moon to his sun. 

And he couldn't have asked for a better person to be his other half. 

( "Well, that's the story for tonight, Taepung. You have some tasks to do tomorrow, don't you?" 

"Ah yeah! I have something to do with Haneul and Sebastian!"

"Well then, go to sleep, okay?"

"Of course! Goodnight, Appa, Obochi!" 

"Goodnight, our little typhoon."

As the two left the room, Taeyang turned to his husband, eyes twinkling as he said, "You sure telling him that story was the best?" 

"Come on, he's been asking for it, especially since Haneul has been asking him about his orientation," Kang Pilseung protested lightly. 

"True, true," he chuckled. "But either way, it's proof we made it, don't you think?"

Pilseung laughed and locked his fingers with his beloved, "Yeah, I know. After all these years... we finally made it." 

"If only we could see the Tobots again, though." 

"Hey, I'm sure they're fine, Taeyang. They're all tough and powerful." 

"You have a point. I just hope they'll visit someday." 

Little did they know that their wish was about to be granted a few days later, when Taepung stumbled across a Tobot in the woods named Tachyeon, thus beginning a whole new adventure for the Kang family.)

tuanhmyy294 And with that, the story is over! I do hope this has been good for you, and I do apologise if I spoil anything from Tobot V3 to you via this story, I just love Taepung. It would be an interesting concept to see how Taeyang and Pilseung would have helped their kid through the many struggles of being a Tobot pilot. But eh, that's enough from me. Thank you for requesting this!

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