Into the Unknown

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It had been bothering her for a long while. The ethereal call had been alluring her even if she wanted to sleep. Rose really didn't want to... She really didn't want to go, but it wouldn't leave her alone. 

Tonight seemed to be the same as usual. The voice, calling her out with those words over and over again. 

Avenge us~

Come seek us out~

Learn the truth~

She frowned, but slid out of bed. She moved towards the door as she slipped out of her room. It had been increasingly hard to pretend she wasn't hearing voices when they kept whispering into her ear.

Her fists tightened. She took a deep breath. She couldn't... hold it in anymore. 

And so, she... she sang back at it. 

I can hear you but I won't

Some look for trouble

While others don't

She looked out the window. She felt it again. Some sort of nagging feeling that this voice managed to awaken in her. 

Right a wrong. Right the mess someone made that only she can make right.

She shook her head. No, she had Mao Mao. She had so many people to consider... Plus, she was content here. 

There's a thousand reasons

I should go about my day

And ignore your whispers

Which I wish would go away

The voice continued to call out to her. Almost as if it was pleading to her. Asking for help. That without her, everything would fall apart. 

You're not a voice

You're just a ringing in my ear

And if I heard you 

"Which I don't," she spoke out to the empty hallways, trying to affirm to herself that this was some sort of joke even if she knew it wasn't. 

I'm spoken for I fear

Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls

I'm sorry secret siren

But I'm blocking out your calls

She had so much here in her kingdom. She had once selfishly hurt them. How could she even consider hurting them again? 

She bit her lip.

I've had my adventure

I don't need something new

I'm afraid of what I'm risking 

But something seemed to compel her out of the castle walls. 

If I follow you

She swung the window doors opens, stepping onto the balcony as the cool air brushed against her cheeks. 

Into the unknown

Into the unknown

Into the unknown

With each verse, her constraints fell apart bit by bit, but as she looked at the water, she realised what she was doing. 

She flinched, backing away into the castle again. She did not want to cause more trouble for her friends and Mao Mao! 

... Yet, she still found herself leaving the castle, compelled to do so by some supernatural force... 

What do you want

'Cause you've been keeping me awake

She closed her eyes as the cool air greeted her again. 

Are you here to distract me

So I make a big mistake

She had messed up before with Mao Mao. She refused to mess up again. 

And yet... And yet! 

She looked down, the water of the stream reflecting her face back at her. 

Or are you someone out there

Who's a little bit like me

Who knows deep down

I'm not where I'm meant to be

The urge to let loose was stronger, almost unbearable. It was begging for a release at long last. 

Every day's a little harder

As I feel my power grow

An exhale was all it took for the ice to burst out in small will-o-wisps, and it was telling a story, nudging her to listen to its story.  

Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go

She listened to the voice this time, following the wisps. 

Into the unknown

Into the unknown

Into the unknown

As the ice began telling its own story, of a land beyond her kingdom. A forest with deer and people who could fly-

People like her.

Are you out there

Do you know me

Can you feel me

Can you show me

She felt her fur stand straight as she saw all the creatures this new land had to offer, and as the magic itself began to flicker out, gesturing to the sea ahead of her, she followed it. 

Where are you going

Don't leave me alone

How do I follow you

Into the unknown

She felt the power pleading for one more time. 

She... she listened to it, and let it all out, crystals forming all around her. 

I have no clue what I was writing XD but here we go Fangirl_332

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