A Sinful Reminder, Part Two: Fruitless Search

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"Have you found her?"

"Not yet..." Taiyou rubbed his eyes as he lay on his bed. "What the heck did she do to her?..."

That was something they all wanted the answer to. Azami had been hauled away for trying to hack into private spaces and even governmental satellites in search of Digimon, and that only disgusted them more... Still, that didn't solve the burning question in their minds; where their friend was.

"Damn it! Mei trusted that we could care for her but we only disappointed her!" Ruri snapped angrily. Her own bags were prominent while Angoramon's looked like panda circles already.

"I-if she finds out, w-won't she get mad?" Kiyoshiro then spoke up, making them all pale as they imagined the cold aura Mei was good at giving.

"She's going to MURDER us...." Hiro paled.

"Kami-sama, please protect us from Hoshi Mei's wrath," Bokomon and Pumpmon prayed together in front of a small altar that had appeared out of nowhere...

Mei sneezed again, making Mirei Shi and Cha Duri look over at her as Duri asked, "You okay, Mei?"

"I have no clue," she answered with a sigh. "I just got the sudden urge to do that."

Mirei shrugged while her adopted father offered, "Perhaps you're coming down with a cold?"

"I think that if I did come down with one, Shiramon would come here instead of me going back to Japan."

That made Sleepmon giggle in his sleep, and Duri snorted, "I suppose you can say that. Anyway, where the heck is Tohma-nii?!"

"Fashionably late, as per usual," Mei snorted. "Honestly, he is a bigger drama queen than Grandpa."

"I am NOT!" An elderly Austrian finally joined them as he huffed, "Geez, you guys are so mean at times!!"

World-famous Tohma Norstein was pouting at his apprentice, who was laughing so hard she couldn't hold it back. "Mei!"

"You're getting so riled up it's a riot," Duri chuckled.

"HEY!!" More laughing at Tohma's expense could be heard in the computer lab Mirei and Duri shared. They were definitely having fun. Growing closer, unaware of the crisis happening in Japan.

Kiyoshiro then got up and stretched, "It's my turn to patrol, huh?"

"Yeah, but I could always replace you," Taiyou offered.

"No thank you, you were already on patrol yesterday," Kiyoshiro refused.

"Stay safe, Senpai," Hiro warned him.

"I always am," He answered, inhaling slightly. He was scared as heck. Who knew what had happened to her because of Tsukumo. His own past with the supernatural left him in fear.

He owed it to her, though. They all did, and so he would do it. No matter how terrified and anxious he was about it, he would walk out into the unknown and search for her.

He had learned his lesson in Envy, after all. He wasn't about to fall again. Not like when his friends, his family had been taken hostage by an almost-insane Udagawa Aoi.

Never again, he swore. He would be disappointing Sandiramon and Mihiramon, and he did NOT like disappointing people.

"Darling, let's go," Jellymon gently told her partner.

"Got it," he nodded.

The jellyfish Digimon couldn't help the smile on her face as the two stepped out. She was proud of her Darling. He had really grown a lot. Not that she hadn't grown either, but she would like to think that her charm had overcome it. She would never admit it out loud, though.

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