Something's Wrong, Part Two: He Won't Tell Us the Problem...

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Unfortunately for Peter, the next Avenger meet-up was a must for all members, and it was a joint one with the Justice League; one of the rare times they got together to discuss certain problems. To make matters worse, he couldn't use the "I'm busy" ticket because his town just oh so happened to be quieter after the fight against Otto. Dang it. 

Thus, the meeting was held at the Watch Tower, where they all mingled around after the short and brief conference. Its main function was to provide heroes with a network to connect with others. 

Granted, Peter didn't mind socializing. On the contrary, it was something he always loved. 

Right now, though, he had no desire to do that, and it was something that concerned his friends. 

"Grayson, I demand that you come with me to talk to Parker." 

Timothy Drake snorted at Damian Wayne, sipping his coffee as he said, "Just admit that you have a soft spot for him, demon spawn." 

"Repeat that and I will cut off your head," the other threatened. 

"Try me," the third Robin answered. 

Richard Grayson, better known as Dick, cut through the conversation by saying, "I'll go with Baby D--" promptly disregarding the shout of protest from the youngest Batfamily member "--to check on him. Conner's worried about him too."

"I heard my name, and yes, I am worried," a deeper voice made them turn to see Dick's friend walk over, a frown creasing his forehead. 

"I'm not surprised," he yawned. "At this point, I'm sure everyone's concerned for him after seeing that video of him brutally beating someone up on live TV during the meeting." 

That had been one of the many things discussed in the meeting. Everyone had watched it after Peter excused himself to the toilet, and it was something that concerned them. What made it worse was the announcement from Iron Man/Tony Stark that he had asked for a week-long break from anything major. 

They knew how Peter could get after a major attack. This one had been personal, with the enemy being his former friend... 

Tim had been thinking about it, and he had a feeling Peter's emotions had come into play. He needed more data to confirm his hypothesis, though. 

Peter knew that, and he was purposely avoiding Tim for that exact reason. He rather not talk about it. 

"Anyway, should we call the others?" Superboy asked. 

"That would be handy as a backup plan," Dick answered. "Plus, it's Peter. He's not dumb. He'll see us cornering him from a mile away."

"We're the Bats, though. He should see three backup plans within backup plans when we're involved," Tim pointed out. 

"He doesn't know that now," was Conner's blunt statement. "So you're going to use it to your advantage, aren't you?" 

"So true," Dick smirked as he turned around. "But enough chatter, let's go ask him what's wrong."

"Alright then. Come along, Drake." 

"As if I would listen to orders from you, demon spawn." 

"Watch your tongue, Drake." 

"Heh, I have no intention to," he snarked back, and Damian scowled as he lunged for the other, ignoring the alarmed shout Dick made upon seeing this, while Conner was snorting slightly while holding his phone out. 

Peter had no intention of getting close to the Bats after all this, and so he turned around... 

And slammed straight into someone. 

"Hey hey hey Petes! Whatcha doing?" 

Deadpool then grabbed him, and he struggled, but he had an iron grip. 

Of course this would happen. He had seen Conner holding his phone, should have realised it was for a backup plan--

"Great job Deadpool," a familiar voice had him turning to see Matt Murdock (of all people, really?) walk over. "He was about to run off again." 

"Gotcha gotcha," he did finger guns to him as he handed Peter over to the Daredevil. "Luke contacted me and told me about the situation. Gotta say I was also worried when I saw him about to leave." 

Luke Cage? 

Seriously, what was up with Peter's luck these days? 

Surrounded by guys he didn't want to hurt just to hide his own insecurities, Peter could only relent and go with them. The sooner he got this done the better. 

XenoSaiyan *sprinkles humour* Here you go! Final chapter should be the more emotional one.

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