Infestation, Part Two

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"Just what HAPPENED back there!?" Captain Kirk demanded as Shang-Chi and Thor were attended to. "I thought for a minute that it was an enemy attack!" 

"We don't know either," Shang-Chi said with a frown, wincing when a particularly deep wound was medicated. "We got a distress call as well from that place, so we decided to drop by to ensure no one was hurt."

"The good that did us," Thor muttered angrily under his breath. "We found no one alive, so we considered calling for backup to help clear out the bodies, but..." 

"People began getting sick. That's not a hard thing to imagine since we had been working non-stop these past few weeks. So many people were dropping like flies onto beds, and soon there were a few of us able to take care of them. Duck, your mother was one of them."

Duck felt his stomach open up like a sinkhole. "W-What happened to her?" 

"What happened to all of them, you mean," Spock corrected. "This is quite a unique circumstance, so I must imagine it has something to do with what we encountered back there." 

"You would be correct," Thor said. "That illness took down everyone but the two of us for some reason."

"Either way, things went south really quickly. We thought it would be fine, but it wasn't. The people who dropped suddenly stopped breathing. Their pulse was gone," Shang-Chi said. "We thought they were goners, and the bodies kept piling up everyday..." 

"But that wasn't the case. We thought they were dead... But they were becoming the undead." Thor's fists tightened. 

Duck's entire complexion turned multiple shades of white. 

"T-The undead?" He barely managed to squeak out. 

"Zombies," Captain Kirk said with a surprised face. He hadn't expected that of all things.

"Zombies," Shang-Chi confirmed. "It was absolute **** these past few days. The others who had been with us when they began to hunt us down... they all fell too and soon it was just the two of us..." 

"We've been trying to get by, but the dock of the ship had been completely hijacked. We couldn't get out without a spaceship, so we just had to hope no one came over." 

"Unfortunately when you docked up, they sensed it and played dead before attacking you all." 

"Not us, we got hit by a mist of sorts," Captain Kirk said while shaking his head. 

"Indeed. It was quite the experience." 

"It was scary," Duck confirmed. "I really was scared for my life back there." 

"Cause of...?" Shang-Chi got a nod as a reply. "That makes sense." 

"Either way, we must make a cure," McCoy said while getting up. "I managed to snag the papers and some hardware to study. Hopefully, it will give us clues to what they were doing in this shady place." 

"Most probably illegal stuff," Sulu answered. "Why else would it get out of control like this?" 

"A lot of other factors need to be accounted for as well, so maybe it wasn't illegal stuff, just something that got out of hand," Captain Kirk corrected. 

"It will take some time to decode, though, so we may have to wait a while," he warned. 

"I'll head back in there. Some of our crew members haven't returned from the expedition so we have to go and find them," Captain Kirk said while trying to get up, only for a loud sound to cut them off. 

"W-What was that?!" Uhura gasped while Duck rushed to the surveillance camera system and checked out the one to the docks. 

He couldn't stop the colour from draining on his face. "Guys... we may have a problem..." 

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