Swapped Stories, Swapped Lives

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The sky was a beautiful thing. It could connect different people around the globe, maybe, even worlds. 

It was what Ben Tennyson and Ash Ketchum, both so similar yet so different, found themselves admiring from different worlds one starry night as they laid on the grass. 

For Ben, he had his trusted Eevee by his side, relaxing on his stomach as it called out to him in its sleep, "Vui vui vui..." It only brought chuckles to the teenaged trainer. 

For Ash, he had his friend and fellow Plumber Goh by his side, who was excitedly telling him about the constellations above. Ash was only half-listening, but he nodded dumbly to what his friend was saying while he gazed upwards to the stars.

Both had their minds thinking far into their minds, recalling their own adventures so far, from that fateful day... the day everything changed for them. When an Omnitrix landed in the Ketchum-Oak backyard, and when an Eevee with unstable genes arrived at the Tennyson doorstep. 

Ash still remembered the day he had stumbled across it, how he had panicked like there wasn't a tomorrow left as he tried to pry off the watch that had somehow latched itself onto his wrist, and when Gary, his childhood friend and surrogate brother, called out, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE ASHY BOY!?", how he had accidentally transformed into a Pyronite that time and scared the heck out of him. Well, HE had been panicking to death at the time too, but who cared for specifics? 

Ben couldn't help but laugh when he recalled how his Eevee, affectionately called Omni, had accidentally incinerated his grandpa Max's face during an experiment the professor had been conducting on it. Boy it had been priceless! It also reminded him of how he had dealt with Kevin, the Dark-Poison trainer who ended up falling for his cousin Gwen, Fairy-Psychic trainer extraordinaire, as she would say. THAT gave him something to snort at, alright. 

Of course, there were the light times and there were the hard times. 

Ben remembered exactly how he had had to fight off Vilgax, the Highbreed, and many others. Honestly, the former's Mismagius, Garchomp, Salamence and Tentacruel had been anything but easy to beat, and he was lucky to have survived that! Wait, no, he was lucky to have survived XERNEAS at all! 

Ash himself remembered the struggles, from all those crazy villains, even Giovanni was a mess to deal with. But none of those measured up to the sinking realisation that the Omnitrix had fused with his DNA and had to be removed with a device. He had been terrified, honestly. Downright petrified. It was a miracle he managed to make it through, so when he did he thanked everything and anything for his survival. 

Other than that, though, there were plenty more to think about, but both were snapped out of their daze by their respective companions, "Vui?" / "Ash are you listening to me?!" 

Ash jumped and sheepishly smiled at Goh, who had a pout on his face, before he answered, "Sorry, I got... lost in thought. What did you say?"

Goh gave an exasperated sigh, "You are hopeless, Ash Ketchum. Would you pull yourself together already?" 

"HEY! I am perfectly together!" he argued. 

"Obviously not when you could space out during my explanation," Goh scoffed, getting up. "But it's getting late anyway. Let's head home." 

"Wait for me, Goh!" Ash quickly shot up as he chased after his friend. "Don't leave me behind! Gary will have my head!" 

"Sucks to be you then!" Goh smirked teasingly before he sped up.

"GOHHH YOU CAN'T ABANDON YOUR BEST FRIEND LIKE THATTTT!" he whined. "I don't want to call out Zoom Zoom!" 

"Poor Kineceleran, really," Goh mumbled under his breath despite the smile on his face. It was Ash, so he really should have known. That was why he had managed to break his shell early on, after all. 

Ash just laughed a bit seeing the smile on his friend's face, so he decided to play along as the two teenagers ran back home. 

Meanwhile, Eevee was licking its trainer, worried over the lack of words from the usually talkative person, "Vui vui vui?" 

"A-Ah, sorry Eevee. I was thinking about our adventures together," he apologised. 

"Vui vui!" Eevee reassured him, snuggling up to him. 

"Ben! Come on in! Dinner's ready!" Gwen's voice called out to him from the foot of the hill he had lied down on, making him look down to his carrot-haired cousin as he yelled, "Sure! I'll be down in a second!" 

"Hurry up Slowpoke!" Kevin teased, making Ben snort, "Alright alright don't lose your mind, you might become one yourself. Slowkevin, now that's a sight to behold." 


He laughed and grabbed Eevee as he got up and jogged downwards, joining his friends in heading back to the Tennyson home for a hearty dinner. 

There are many worlds out there. One such world is the Swapped Stories world, where casts are switched and live the other's lives. 

Maybe one day, you will stumble across someone like that, who knows? Life is mysterious and beautiful that way. Appreciation of that will go a long way, indeed.

For now, the story of their lives continues offscreen, yet until then, tis but a simple "Until we meet again.

How I wrote this out in like, an hour or so I will never get. But I hope you like it XenoSaiyan !

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