Experiment, Chapter One: The Beginning of it All *Snugglemagne*

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"Where is this...?" Snugglemagne mumbled to himself as he stepped into the cavern, hugging himself to keep the fear from making him turn around and run out of here never to step foot into it again. Why did he have to go exploring this place again?

Right, his usual walk outside the woods, as suggested by Mao Mao in order to help him with his cowardice. The cave had always been there, so today his curiosity had finally gotten the better of him. 

He was an idiot, he mentally chastised himself as he went deeper in. This was not good. He had to go get Sheriff Mao Mao. 

But a small part of him was telling him there was something... different about this place. That maybe there was something here that he was supposed to find. 

And so, despite the anxiety grasping his heart with an iron grip, the King of Pure Heart Valley went deeper into the cave, all until he reached a laboratory of sorts.

It was spacious, extending to a good amount of area, and most of it was covered with tables and chemistry kits. Some stalactites could be seen poking down from above, so he avoided those as he tentatively continued looking around. 

"What is this place...?" he mumbled to himself. It felt so ... so horrible...

Just then, his eyes caught something at the corner to his right, prompting him to curiously walk over, only to yelp as he found himself facing... a beautiful wolf with soft silver fur. 

The wolf was sleeping peacefully in a sleeping pod, a serene smile on its face. Snugglemagne found that he couldn't pull his eyes away, not with that relaxed twitch of its face so... so beautiful. 

Walking over, his paw touched the glass separating them, and he whispered, "So beautiful... She's... wonderfully stunning." 

But as he leaned in to try and call to her, he accidentally tripped over a cable of sorts and landed on the container. And since he wasn't exactly light, it broke the glass and caused red lights to shine in the room as a loud mechanical voice announced, "Intruder alert! Subject N0CH3's tank has been destroyed! Contacting Master now!" 

Snugglemagne panicked. What was going on here?! It sounded like... it sounded like someone was experimenting on this poor thing....

Well, he couldn't let that happen. A true gentleman would never leave a person like this. No, he would nurse her back to health and guide them through life if needed.

And so, King Snugglemagne made an important life-changing decision; he grabbed the wolf bridal-style and rushed out of the cave, hoping to get it to safety instead of whoever had done this to it...

Adrenaline didn't leave him as he ran and ran all the way back to the valley, earning strange but cautious looks from everyone before he entered his palace, yelling, "GET A GUEST ROOM READY! AND CALL THE ROYAL DOCTOR!" 

Little did he know, that a few hours later, when the scientist returned, they would find this mess... Not to mention, a few drops of his blood from the injuries he sustained. 

And let's just say that the scientist was not about to let their precious test subject go. Not in the slightest. 

Even if what was left was a body. 

venusaura Sorry that this took so long! How do you think I did?

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