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While I regained consciousness I felt a stab of pain in my head that made me get up quickly, I sit down while I hold my head, looking at my predecessors somewhat confused I realize that I am on a tropical beach, I was sitting on the sand with the sea ​​20 meters in front of me.

Me: huh? Where I am?.

I began to remember, today I had left school like every day, I had gone to my martial arts practices and I returned home on my Skate, when I tried to slide down a flight of stairs and...

Me: Damn I tripped and went straight into a newly made path!

I had not realized that the cement had just been mixed and was not supervised or signaled. Who was the idiot who forgot to put all that? No, that's not the question...

Why am I in the middle of the beach and not in a hospital? Had I reincarnated?

I look at my hand and I can see my favorite hand and gloves, I was dressed in the same clothes when I had an accident... What is this? What is this soft thing on my chest...

Me: AHHHH! I have two other things on my chest! AHHHHHHHH! I'm missing something down here! What the hell is this!? Why have I become a woman? Hey? What's that?

I saw something weird on my feet, my shoes had now turned into metal shoes, it's gray on the top, but red on the bottom and it has quite a high heel, that adds 10 cm to my height, which What I don't understand is that even though my height has decreased considerably, the clothes I wear fit my new body well.

Me: what happened to me? That? What the hell is this? Why do I have cannons sticking out of my back?

I could see two triple gun turrets sticking out of my back, I can also see a triple gun turret that is secured to my left thigh.

Me: (Shock) Don't tell me that... I need a mirror!

I ran towards the sea where I collected some water in my hands to see my reflection, seeing myself in the reflection I could see that it was me, but with more delicate features, there was no doubt that my sex had changed.

I ran towards the sea where I collected some water in my hands to see my reflection, seeing myself in the reflection I could see that it was me, but with more delicate features, there was no doubt that my sex had changed

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But why? that? Was it because I was in an isekai? No, the answer is another...

I knew two franchises that used the Shipgirls concept, one of them is Kancolle, it was the first franchise that implemented the idea, then it was Warship Girl which fell by the wayside, then it was Azur Lane that exploded in sales and was a hit. resounding success and can possibly take down Kancolle if it does nothing about it.

Me: I see, so I got an isekai... wow, the surprises never end. And to think that the isekai were real and not fictional.

The isekai generally only serve to entertain, well I think that leaving that aside, I think it's time to practice how to move through the sea... no, first you have to know who I am in this world.

Azur Lane: The Cruiser That Doesn't Exist Where stories live. Discover now